I tried to make a toilet paper steamroller but everytime I try I make the hole just a little too big and air escapes. How do I make it airtight? I could put tape around it but then I would be smoking tape. What are some ways to make it airtight? Thank you
I've never tried this but I just thought of it right now. Get some gum chew that shit and put it around the hole. Im not sure I could be fucked.
Sockets get really really hot when you smoke out of them. Have a huge burn mark because my high ass tried to put weed in it right after smoking.
I just want a piece that will get me blazed. This is one of those. I usually smoke out of a pen piece I made but it has no carb so I'm trying to do this.
Ill let you in on the ultimate ghetto rigging secret...... walmart->hot glue gun (under $2)-> air tight and as professional as ghetto rigged gets and upgrade to a bong more percentage of thc! And nothing quit feels as good.
Stop, and throw that toxic/ hazard homemade contraption in the trash. Walk into a smoke shop and buy a $20-$30 pipe. Or get you under-age self, off the site...