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ghetto home made piece

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by drbradenn, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. #1 drbradenn, Jun 13, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 13, 2009
    found in garage...taped straw to it...voala!




  2. im sorry i didnt know spelling was a precondition lol...

  3. That didn't even look safe bro.... But happy token!
  4. Yeah man I'd be careful with that thing.
  5. Enjoy your tetnis.

    EDIT: And your dead brain cells from inhaling burnt paint.

    You've earned this.


  6. hahahaha was this intentional?
  7. atleast attach it to something thats not a straw so people dont think your a crazy crack whore
  8. Yeah duuuh guy.
  9. hahaha its ok i only used it once and it was real quick...i bought a cheap bubbler for like 19 bucks today so i am tetnis-free! :D

  10. indeed.
  11. Throw that thing away. What the hell is growing on it?

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