Ok um, here's an idea. so you dont waste water, OR SMOKE, fuckin imbecile... Try a 2 liter or if your too weak to clear that a 20 0z (even thats probly too much for you) and a bucket!
sadly in his defense, that wasnt seeds it was the sound of the water faling on the ground... weeell there may have been seeds but thats not twhat the noise was
OH. MY. GOD. YOU ARE SO FUCKING BAD-ASS! Since when did smoking marijuana became all about taking huge hits? Who cares if you take a huge hit or not? I would instead take a pussy hit 8 times rather than 1 hit that will have me coughing for hours and have my lungs in pain. Smoking marijuana is not a competition, it's about enjoying yourslef... sadly, some people can't understand that. Maybe you guys should just chill out a little bit, smoke a bowl and stop giving bad rep to GC... Ok, I do understand that it was funny but do you guys really have to be such aholes? I suggest some of you grow up. You guys should give him a little credit for at least trying and making you laugh. I thought people here were chill... Guess not.
ok so i read this whole thing and i just wanted to post something so i dont feel like i wasted my time...so there it was...
we gotta smoke wit this guy. get reeeeal baked and make him sing loving you. loooooooovvviiiinggg youuuuuuuu is eassssyyyy cuz your beautifullllll
ahmen to that i hate people who make smoking weed competetive, since when was it about that? but this kid does set a new benchmark imo
its not that its a competition.... but the whole point of the vid is to not waste weed. and what did he do? WASTE WEED its one thing to take a small pull and clear it. its quite another to burn up a twenty bag and only get one hit. if u cant take big hits, cool, but dont waste weed. measure ur hits so that u can clear them. yeah, id smoke with myley cyrus dude. and i would geek on his hair the whole time.