I may have already mentioned that I like to make my pipes and what not, myself. So here is where I will post pictures of what I have made. Please tell me what you think (Both good and bad lol) Here is a link to my Flickr account which will hopefully save you time: Flickr: Funk932's Photostream Okay. So to start it off Here are some pictures of a bub I just made tonight. As well as a 2 1/2 ft bong that can server as a 5 1/2 foot bong as well. Sorry the pictures are pretty bad lol. And my floor is very dirty =P
That's true. But don't be ignorant though there is a metal stem and piece. But it is at my friends house. So I couldnt get a picture of it with the rest of the bong.
Doesnt matter bro. The smoke itself sets off the chemicals. Meaning even tho your shitty stem and bowl seperate it, its still releasing chems.
Eh unless it's really cool w/ a glass bowl & downstem, at the very least metal bowl & downstem. I have a homemade with a diffused ashcatcher, diffused downstem (both metal), 3 arm tree perc and to top it off ice catcher. I'm still chewing gum to make it air tight, however.
Well I feel stupid lol. But it's all good I'll just flip some shit around. Edit: Oh and thanks guys for telling me about that.
hahahahah Funkk is probably dead right now from inhaling toxic pvc fumes lol Homemade bongs are kinda sketch...
Ha... Lovin the trumpet mouthpiece for the bowl... that gives me a few ideas... Nice work, plastic and all
Other plastics aren't as bad, just pvc is a nasty one as said before, if your into making homemade bongs, I reccomend looking into acrylic tubes, still a plastic but with a much higher heat tolerance, plus its clear! Find your local plastic supply store and they should have in all diameters and thicknesses.
he wasnt, but technically you were by not knowing that ignorant means lack of knowledge not rude sorry, pet peeve
Oh and don't get the wrong idea, I don't make all of my shit. I only make shit when I'm tired of what my friends and I have, or when I'm really bored lol