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For all you homemade bong genius's.

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by LilHomie420, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. Can someone explain how i would but a perc on my homemade bong.
    this is what it looks like:


    so where how and what would i make a perc out of, if possible.
  2. #3 Savage Henry., Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2010
    You're gonna have to make a completely new bong, broham.

    EDIT: Heres a shitty MSPaint thingy-thing.

  3. Horseshit. No new bong. Seal the "tube smoke goes through," also known as a downstem. Then put small holes around the base of it under the water. Smaller bubbles. Ka-pow.
  4. #5 Savage Henry., Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2010
    Horseshit, my ass. He asked how to make a perc, not how to diffuse the downstem.

  5. didnt even think of that.. thnks
  6. actually he is right in that you will need to make a new bong but i have what i call my 12 step system to getting high so youll be just fine:

    1. take 2x 1 or if your a man you will use 2 liter pop bottles and cut the very bottom off right where it starts to bend under. (this along with another 1 or 2 liter bottle that hasnt been cut up are set aside for later as the body of the bong.)
    2. first take 2x standard orange prescription botttles (approx. 2"Hx1"D) and cut/melt a hole in the center of both lids just large enough to fit a bic pen tube.
    3. take the tube and cut it in half so you have two tubes.
    4. drill 4-6 small (prolly 1/16" or smaller), evenly dispersed, holes around the bottle roughly 1/4"-1/2" down from the bottom of the lid.
    5. insert tubes in bottles (tube should rest about a 1/2"-3/4" from the bottom of the bottle and should stick out the top about an inch)
    6. cut/melt a hole, again sized to fit the pen tube, on two pop bottle lids
    7. slide the pop bottle lids onto the pen tubes so that they can be screwed back onto the pop bottle.
    8. now use a HIGH TEMP glue gun and seal up the holes with tubes still inserted in the lids.
    9. bring out the 3 pop bottles and screw the percs onto the uncut bottle and one of the cut ones.
    10. carefully stack the pop bottles so that they form an airtight seal (when you suck on them it should create a vaccum and collapse the bottles).
    11. either hot glue or duct tape the bottles together making sure that you retain the airtight seal. then jsut rig up a normal downstem/bowl and lastly:
    12. fill that beast, pack it and have a nice trip!!

    oh and fyi you can make as many percs as you want its all up to you. just remember more percs =more drag. tho this can be countered by drilling larger holes in the script bottles which alows for better airflow

    hope this helps
    peace, love and cannabis

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