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Favorite Homemade

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Verson2.0, Jul 28, 2009.

  1. So my personal favorite is the apple piece. Not that it is anything special but come on it's a pipe and a snack! How can you beat that combo? That and I have had a ton of good times smoking out of an apple. So how about you guys? What is/was that favorite way to smoke when all seems lost?
  2. Well...I make my own pipes! I can make a pipe out of almost anything...I prefer my ceramic ones tho, like my mushroom!
  3. I made a 2L Waterfall out of a coors light can and a jaeger top, ill post up a guide soon but everyone knows it as the Goliath and it gets people retarded
  4. Personally I love each homemade equally because I put a lot of work into each one, even though they're just crappy homemades I figure since it's crappy, I should at least try to make it as good as possible.

    In what I've done, I'd rate it in this order:
    *Homemade bong (love it lol)
    *Apple (Nice hits and big apple too)
    *Stainless Steel Pen Tube (worked as a nice chillum, but what I didn't like was the hits were too hot, also the tube heated up. However my friend absolutely loves his pen tube chillum)
    *Carrot (Made a shotgun-ish thing out of it. Hit pretty nicely)
    *Plum (First thing I ever smoked out of :hello:)
    *Aluminum Can (Smoking out of cans is the absolute worst way imo, and should only be a very last resort. Reasons for this: The aluminum is BAD, they hit like SHIT since the cans are big and dilute the smoke too much, and they're fuckin loud to make properly)

    But real pipes and shit take the cake lol :smoking:
  5. [​IMG]

    Inline with two 10 arm diffused tree percs, 4 arm diffused ash catcher. (my glass 10 arm diffused A/C also fits on it.)
    Its 100% air tight.
    It will fit any 14.5 slide.

    This is a really old pic, i completely remade it a little while back i just never got around to taking a picture of it.

    It easily hits just as good as my glass setup. I love it.

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