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Dry and cure

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Petersmear45, May 6, 2021.

  1. #1 Petersmear45, May 6, 2021
    Last edited: May 6, 2021
    Hi am new to making butter for edibles do I dry and cure buds before decarbiing and cooking ect thanks.
  2. For edibles you're good to go after a proper dry. Takes 10-14 days in my environment. 75F - 50-55 Rh with indirect air circulation.
    Welcome and good luck.
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  3. You need to dry before decarboxylation anyhow.
    As to the cure. I've tried rushing and I'm always disappointed in the results. Like many things I've learned to take the long way round to get the best outcome. 60 day Cure I find to be enough to put the finish on the herb. The aging is changing the ratio of the Cannabinoids, softening the sharpness of the THC and bringing a bit more CBD into play as best I can tell.

    Mind you this is all subjective based on my years of empirical testing. I live on Edible oil capsules and I know exactly how I want the stone. A long flower with a late harvest, Slow dry and a two month cure.

    Now as to the actual edible. Butter is less then the best. To much water, Goes rancid fast, Takes to long to kick in.
    Coconut oil hits in half the time.
    Lecithin will make it hit harder and last longer.

    BadKats CannaPharm: Medical Grade Oil, Cannabis Capsules, UV GLOWING Hash Candy, Canna Bombs more
    Kats thread is the source.
    Hallucinating Hash Capsules for Hemp Heads
    Of my own work on the same recipe.

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  4. You can have a same day as harvest edible if you want.
    Harvest about 5 times as much by weight as needed.
    Then coarsely grind, and put under a fan at room temp for a few hours, until it's lost 75-80% of its wet weight.
    An open oven on warm with a fan blowing in might speed up the process.

    I did that 2 days ago with a 1/4 oz dried batch for 4 hours that is now herb pills, but could've been cookies or anything else.

    As BrassNwood points out, the character does change a bit over time.
    My pills work a little better if they steep for about 3 days before using.
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