Drug testing please answer

Discussion in 'Smoke Reports' started by jsyracuse13, Jan 6, 2017.

  1. If my dad is 30 feet away from me and takes one hitters from his bowl will I fail a drug test over it? I haven't smoked in a month but still come up dirty wondering if it's from him maybe? He always holds his hits in tho and never blows it toward me or at me
  2. Don't blame your dad he's not causing you to fail... It can take me 45 days to piss clean.
  3. I'm not blaming him I'm just asking if it's possible to fail because of what he's doing. It's been 29 days and I've still peed dirty. I also weigh 200 pounds. I'm just looking for answers to my question
  4. Like I said it takes me up to 45 days so you could very well just be pissing dirty I wouldn't worry about his smoking interfering with your drug tests
  5. And he's not smoking blunts or joints around me. We are exactly 32 feet away from each other when he smokes (I measured) lol but it's just quick one hitters and he covers the bowl after and ghosts his hits. I hopefully will be good after another 2 weeks tops
  6. Any good tips on flushing you're system out ?
  7. Use plenty of water
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