Do YOU believe in God?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Del420, Nov 28, 2004.

  1. Does God exist in your opinion? For me I vote no..
  2. I don't know if he exists. But i believe in God. not the biblical god though. ugh i don't want to explain myself this time :D
    i think theres the same topic on this somewhere
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  3. I believe in the possibility of an advanced being that could squash me like a fly. Believing and worshiping are two different things.
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  4. I hope so. If he doesn't exist, who have I been talking to?
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  5. It's not so much a personal God for "me" (the me that hasn't Realized the Self) but more like a Creative Intelligence, a void that is nothing (no-thing) from where all there is including apparent "things" came from.. An endless eternal nonchanging field of possibilities and potentials... often called the Absolute... Those who have Realize the Self Know that THIS is their True Self ID.
    "God" as well as "gods" are from this Absolute and have certain creative powers but to Realize the Absolute in a body frees the soul or jiva from the wheel of karma & reincarnation so on that basis they are above "gods" and God no longer has control of them, they are totally FREE... While God is tied to all these creations...

    Some say God dreamed up the world and everything that happens is part of that dream so our so called "free will" is not actually free, we are not in control but it appears we are... Only that which CAN happen DOES happen so we can just ratchet down the pressure put on ourselves... if it is not meant to be regardless of how much we try and work at it it will not happen.. on the other hand, if meant to be it will come to us even without trying or even trying to avoid it...

    But nobody knows what God is until they "know thySelf"... Once done God is Known. so says the teaching.
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  6. Yourself.

    As for me, no I don't.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. "God" The old white guy with the flowing gray hair that sits on a throne in the heavens, looking down on us and documenting our every move so we can be held responsible or rewarded upon our death....that "God'?
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  8. God watches you poop. ;)
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  9. Totally

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  10. God invented poop.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  11. No. It's crazy to believe in something for which there is no evidence for.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  12. So much war and death over a creator, people should focus on creation itself, that is value
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    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. If anyone can show me any kind of proof that’d be great but I simply cant until then.

    • Agree Agree x 4
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  14. Damn, solid 16 year bump!!

    I believe in the great god of baseball. Whenever my team sucks it's always his fault.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  15. #17 squirksa, Jan 7, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2021
    I'm still on the fence at 74. Hedging my bets?
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  16. The TP is if you believe God exists, not if you can prove God exists. Can you definitively prove love exists? Some things are beyond our ability to prove and reside in our hearts.
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  17. Yes, and idc if you (other people in general) dont, i respect that, but I believe in God, and thats that.
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  18. Especially now, after all the paranormal experiences I have had, know for a fact that most of these main stream religions, with all their goofy rituals and condemnation of anyone not believing in "our way," is all bullshit.

    I totally believe there's a devine entity. Call him/her/it what you please; I'll call it "Dave."

    What Dave did, whether creating as stated in Genesis or creating evolution, or whatever, I have now idea or even care.

    But I know for a fact, because I've experienced enough unbelievable phenomena in my almost 60 years in this body,
    That there are three absolute facts:

    1) We are but visitors here. We are here to observe, learn, and love. Then we go home.

    2) Dave gave us free will. Who we are and the body we're using was our choice. Any and all experiences we make here, good or bad, are necessary for enrichment of our soul. This includes terrible things and wonderful things. We need both. If we haven't accomplished this or that in this life, it's our choice to come back when the current body dies and gather more experience.

    3) Dave only wants one thing: for us to be as happy as possible in our situation and to treat our fellow humans with understanding, compassion, and of course, love.

    In closing, I love and forgive myself. That allows me to love and forgve you. I don't need to know you to love you. I don't need to agree with you or even like you. But I love all of you unconditionally regardless of race, creed, heritage, culture or beliefs.
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