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DIY TopoChico/Voss Boss waterfall

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by ZeroG., Oct 24, 2012.

  1. Sup Blades, so who doesn't like a nice big milky hit at the end of the day, I know its my fav way to unwind, but unfortunatly some of us can't. We can't for several different reasons, where we live, age, funds, and in extreme situaitons like mine....after some serious dental work. WHAT? Yea, I had some teeth extracted, and during the discharge instructions my dentists tells me....No smoking for two weeks. Wow talk about a T-break, I've never gone more than 2days, let alone two weeks. Needless to say I was perplexed, what would I do? How would I survive, then I asked is the smoke bad for my extractions? No, the smoke wasn't bad, it was the pulling during smoking, the sucking :D.....this was bad. Hmmmmmm there had to be something....what If I didn't suck....what if I only took nose hits? Were nose hits ok? ( I actully asked) The dentist assured me that nosers were fine, but I couldn't do the pulling myself. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..... 1347164652101.jpg

    That's where this badboy comes in, and I am going to show you how to make it. Now this is not my idea, TBH, this is a waterfall gravity bong and they have been around forever. This is however my version of it, and how I made it to take nose hits when I couldn't smoke regularly. I know I know, why didn't I just consume edibles right? Well at the time edibles were out of the question, and besides neccesity breeds invention. So this is how we build a bong with roughly about $3dollars in supplies, minus your bowl of course. You will need the following everyday items.

    First we need a Topo Chico or Voss water 1.5ltr bottle, this is our bong. A Smartwater bottle, for a bowl, a hammer or something to hammer with, a nail, and a downstem bowl/combo if available. 2012-10-22_19-21-52_94.jpg First look for the indention on the side of the Bottle, this is where we will place our nail, and make a small hole. Lightly tap your nail with a hammer until you get a small hole. Now you can continue to chip at the hole with the nail, but be careful it's glass and can break. One tip I found is to use sandpaper, wrap it around the nail and sand your hole to the size you want. This is our drain. Once this is done, rinse your bottle and move to the next step. Remove the cap from your Smart water and POP out the blue cap, leaving you with a plastic ring with a hole in the center, this will attach directly to your topo chico bottle. Boom, done. Now this cap will hold 19mm bowls no problem, or if you find your bowl to be to small, try using a rubber stopper around your downstem. For this demo I am using the downstem and bowl from my Helix. But any bowl will fit.

    Ok, now we have our top attached to the bottle, we have our bowl loaded, but how does it work? Well it's simple, place your thumb over the drain hole, and fill with water. Next attach your bowl, now light your bowl......but at the same time remove your finger. Viola, the water draining from the bottle is acting like a lung and leaves behind nothing but milky smoke. Once its full of smoke you can pull it from the downstem, or take nosers from the drain like I do. Another quick tip, when you need to clean this bad boy, just get a cotton bowl and stuff it into the plastic top. Plug the drain, pour in kosher salt, and 91%alcohol and place your top on.....shake, stir, rinse, clean repeat if neccessary. Even with my downstem/bowl combo these bongs shouldn't run more than $25/$30 dollars, and TBH I have $500.00 glass collecting dust, because it just can't compete with this monster. If you go the route of the Voss water bottle the bowl set up is a little different, i'll have some pics up soon. Hope This was easy to understand, feel free to ask questions, or to share any experience with similar devices. :smoking:

    Attached Files:

  2. One huge tip that will really enhance this experience, use ice water. :smoking: The milky loads for this bong are sometimes to much to handle, and you don't want your smoke to get stale. Ice will water will prevent that, plus it makes for a much more enjoyable smoking experience. Also this will shoot your tolerance threw the roof. :D Have fun with it, I've attached a vaporizor for vapor gravity hits, and I'm saving for an oil rig so I can do gravity Dabs.......:hello:
  3. Why didn't you just take the t-brake. With the amount you smoke a t-brake is well needed.
  4. So it looks like just about any "slut" bottle of that size will work as long as it's glass. I'm going to see if I can find one tomorrow so that I can begin my bong.:D

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