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DIY: toking tools w pics!

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by emarebe, Sep 28, 2011.

  1. didnt see one of these made yet when i searched so here it goes......

    this thread is for people who lost their piece, broke it, stolen by the cops, stolen by a stoner, got it taken by their parents...whatever it may be, if you need to make a pipe with stuff laying around the house this is the spot.

    now these are some really easy ones to make with simple househhold items! pay attention!

    i call this one......THE PEN

    now first here are the supplies needed:
    -tape (preferred electrical tape)
    -socket set with smaller sockets
    -ball point pen

    [​IMG], gut the pen.


    next, pick a socket out that can fit over the pen. stick it on top there and tape that bitch up with electrical tape. i like electrical tape because it can seal very well.


    ok, so here's your pipe, you can use it like this or you shorten it up a little bit. i like mine to be about cigarette size.


    it almost works out perfect... the socket is almost perfect bowl size!


    add a screen if desired. so there ya go, first tokin tool of this thread with more to come. keep coming back to check out my shit noobs. i have some cool ones :)..........

    next pipes to be made!!!
    THE TP
  2. Bumpppp :smoke:
  3. This is nice man, ill be trying this soon
  4. ok so next is the TP. (toilet paper steam roller) items needed for this piece are...
    -toilet paper or paper towel tube
    -aluminum foil or tin foil
    -thumb tack
    -masking tape


    so first things first, take the toilet paper tube and kinda fold it one of the ends and cut a triangle into it like this.



    once you get the triangle cut out like that you can get some foil ready. note, this is your bowl, you can make it as small or as big as you want. if you go big i suggest a paper towel tube instead of toilet paper.

    so this is whats needed next...


    sorry the last pic was upside down lol, not sure whats up with that. but anyhoo, you got your tape, your foil and your tack. use your thumb gently on the foil above the triangle hole, puch down to form a little bowl where the triangle is. from there flatten down the edges so its a smooth surface with the toilet paper tube. should look something like this.


    once this is taken care of you can seal the edges of the foil with the masking tape. i am using masking tape instead of electrical tape this time because the electrical tape doesnt stick well to paper. so tape that shit down!!!

    should look like this when taped.


    almost there! now its time to take the tack and poke some holes in your bowl piece for a screen. like........


    ......and viola! there is your homemade steam roller made in less than 5 mins.

    if you newbies dont know how to use this you put one end to your mouth, and the other open in held over with your palm. light the chronic and start suckin, when you want to release the chamber and inhale release your palm on the other end. thoue creates a suction that allows you to pull the smoke in without inhaling alot of it.

    stay tuned tomorrow for the............

  5. Please dont use plastic..
  6. hey man, these are some free, last minute pipes being made. if you smoke cigarettes, then your smoking plastic lol. anyway, if you wanna smoke, your gonna have to smoke it out of something, and if you have nothing, these are my creations.........for you to use..........any way you would like..........

    i have used that pen bowl throughout alot of high school. prolly smoked outta a pen bowl at least 200 timmes. and im still living!!! lol.

    to be on a serious note...yea, plastic isnt the best for you. buuutttttt, if you wanna smoke and thats all you have you USE IT!! lol
  7. putting the socket over the pen is a very very bad idea. you burn the pen by accident and you're inhaling plastic fumes.

    same with smoking out of tin foil.
  8. If you want to do a quick easy bowl to hit with, take those sockets and find a smaller one to fit inside the bigger end. Take a nug and put it inside those two and you can hit it from one side and light the other.
  9. i love tin foil.... so nice in your lungs. it give you that metal cough.

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