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DIY - ONA Odor Control Bucket (CHEAP & EASY!)

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by Newbiegrowr, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. The room will be locked up, they think its a roommates of mine who isn't home, I will also shut off the fans and anything else noisy. It is the smell I need to be able to control. As long as this is in the room locked up, no one will see it.
  2. I just used this thread today and it seems the concentrate, ONA, is not as strong as I thought. The ona gel from the hydro shop was stronger then the 32oz bottle of straight liquid they sell. I added 1/4 cup and it was not enough. So I added more. Its a gentle smell now, and rep bigtime for saving my ass. This thread kicks ass
  3. The initial mixing amounts I gave were incorrect. You will probably need more than what I recommended. I tuned my bucket for almost a week after that post before realizing I needed to add more O.N.A.

    The pre-made O.N.A gel only seemed stronger because it's a stronger concentration. A lot of us made the mistake of mixing in way too much O.N.A concentrate and made our noses hate us lol

    You'll probably want to mix in more O.N.A concentrate during flowering. The bonus of having the concentrate is that it not only lasts longer, but you can make your gel as strong as you want. If you had bought the O.N.A pre-made gel you would still need to buy the concentrate in the future to replenish the gel in the bucket.
  4. The O.N.A doesn't just mask the odor, it actually tries to eliminate it. When an O.N.A molecule comes into contact with an odor molecule, they're both eliminated. Think matter/antimatter (because I like scifi when I'm high...)

    You could put it into the grow closet/tent if you have one, but I recommend right outside. Preferably in the same room as your grow tent. Some people have mentioned making smaller ones to use in other parts of the house so that may be an option for you.

    I put mine in the room that has my grow closet. If I'm toking out in that room I leave the bucket out in the open and blow my smoke into it (I like how it instantly kills the smell lol). If I'm not I just leave it by the closet, sometimes inside to conceal it.

    The bucket just has to be able to pull in the contaminated air through the bucket and across the surface area of the gel. This is mostly about surface area. You'll notice the bucket becomes more effective when the gel has a greater surface area.
  5. Yeah I ended up adding 1/4 the bottle, maybe less, and it was perfect. Thanks again for this tutorial. Im going to make another one for the shoe area, but a mini version, with a computer fan
  6. Wow! 1/4 of the bottle? Did you add a lot of soil moist/water? The more soil moist you use the more O.N.A solution you'll need. Adding more soil moist doesn't always make the bucket work a lot better. Keep in mind it's all about forcing the air against the surface area of the gel. The fresh linen smell is what's being ejected with a much smaller amount of the O.N.A to cover up any odors the bucket hasn't taken care of.

    If you make a smaller one of these, fill it up from your main bucket. I could be wrong here but I think you might have a lot more gel in that bucket than you need. Or some very strong smelling plants.

    Here's is something I just thought up. You could get an air freshener dispenser that works on a timer and fill it with O.N.A solution. Here are some expensive examples I found but I'm sure they sell cheaper ones (Like Glade brand) at places like Wal-Mart and Target. TimeMist Automatic Air Freshener Dispensers & Time Mist Refills
  7. I used 1/2 cup soil moist, 6.5cups h20, and the 1/4 bottle ona. Its not too strong at all. I made it before leaving to work, and my wife says it smells nice, and subtle.
  8. Big house maybe? Well as long as it works! At the end of the day all we want it to do is get rid of the unwanted odor. Thanks for updating us on your bucket and keep us posted on your grow =)
  9. No big house. I live in a condo. I used a 10 dollar 7 inch medium speed desk fan that I had found at lowes. That's the only difference. I know the ona will last a very long time in that bucket! How's the grow comin?
  10. #150 nigthdreamer22, May 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2011
    ive just made one of these and it works grat i only run it at nigth as carbon fliter is fine in the day but when my ligth shuts of the smell creeps about lol think the only thing i changed was makeing my carboard lid sit snugly within my barrel and just poped in a few bolts to hold the lid up i nocked this togeather for under 20qwid was very easy and does the job fine thanxs again rep+ brother


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  11. Nice looking bucket! Thanks for posting pictures, I appreciate it. I'm glad to see that people are making nice buckets. Mine is pretty ugly lol
  12. well since ive had it running ive taped it to the ring lid as the virbration makes it slip lol but its not how they look mate its how they proform and it works great thanx again
  13. I think I am getting used to the smell of ONA. No matter how much I use I do not smell it unless I put my face to it.
  14. You have gotten used to it lol
  15. Yea like my ONA block the little one, DIY Bucket, Ona in humidifer. I am sure they work but I literally do not smell them anymore. Better then smelling my frosty Windows though!
  16. lucky you mate i can taste mine lol hopeing its does settle down i just leaver the door of the room its closed but dam its a sock when i walk in lol

  17. Yea its nutty no matter how much I add I do not smell it. LIke the only way I can smell ONA now it seems if i put my nose in the bottle or in the ONA Block. I had thought something was wrong but guess its working.
  18. oh im waiting for the day im immune to it lol but i can never smell my laides while other people walked in and said it was qwite strong but now they all keep asking were i bourgth my air freshener lol
  19. It dies down to a very tolerable level =)
  20. I recently ran out of ONA Concentrate and my Widows are flowering. There a little more pungent then when they were vegging so since I am waiting for my ONA in the mail decided to use Febreeze in my Bucket. Worked well actually and cheaper. I won't use it long term but good thing to do in a pinch. You can buy the cheap Walmart brand if you are short on cash pour a bunch of it water and turn it on.

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