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DIY - ONA Odor Control Bucket (CHEAP & EASY!)

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by Newbiegrowr, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. Well, I've only had it on for 30 minutes and what a difference does it make already! Holy shit. I'm really looking forward to seeing the results in 24 hours.
    This is the best thing in the history of everything. lol

  2. HAHA yea its great. Mine and I am sure you will have the same issue all that air drys it out about every 3 days I add a cup to two cups of water mixed with a little ONA then about once a week been adding a fair amount of ONA.

    I am so used to the smell now I do not notice it to much. Cool thing about ONA is that its not a odor masker its a odor killer. Its molecules bind with the smells to neutralize them.
  3. I might have gotten a little too excited. Checked this morning by opening the door to the basement, I can still smell it. I will relocate the bucket for testing purposes and add more concentrate as a last resort.

  4. Sorry for the late reply, I was out of town for a bit. If you can still smell your plants, try adding more concentrate to your bucket. Add in more soil moist as well to increase the effectiveness. I was testing and tuning my bucket for about a week before I got it perfect for my grow room.

    Also keep in mind that what's left of the smell may not even be escaping your basement. Is your basement a large area? Do you have a grow tent in the basement or is the entire basement the grow room? Let's troubleshoot your bucket and see if we can help you out here =)
  5. I agree. Took a little while for myself to fine tune it as well. Now it works nicely. Remember though that a multi stage attack on it is best. Gel Blocks, DIY Ona bucket, Carbon filter, Ozone generator. Its better safe then sorry.

    What also works great and I use it is get yourself a humidifier fill it with water and add ONA to it. I keep that on the other side of my apartment.
  6. I've went with the exact same water/ONA/soil moist ratio as you recommended, how should I start increasing for better performance do you think?
    1 Cup of water, less than qtr cup of ONA and less than qtr cup of SM?
  7. #127 Newbiegrowr, May 20, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2011

    When I first put up the DIY I didn't yet know that some fine tuning would be necessary. Unfortunately I can't edit my initial post anymore.

    Try adding 2 cups of water (1 cup=8 OZ) with about 2-3 ounces of ONA. If your plants produce a lot of odor make it 4 ounces of O.N.A per 2 cups of water.

    Don't be afraid to experiment with adding more ONA, water, or soil moist. If you make it too strong, add more water & soil moist, if it's too weak just mix half a cup of water with as much O.N.A as you think you need to beef it up.

    If you want to try something drastic pour some pure O.N.A concentrate into the center of your gel and don't mix it. About 4 ounces of O.N.A will do. Switch your fan to blow air out of your bucket.

    My bucket has a full pound of soil moist in it at this point. The more soil moist you use, the more O.N.A/water you'll need. Making the batch of gel in the bucket bigger won't necessarily make the bucket work better though. This is more about surface area than volume.

    Make sure you have enough holes drilled into the bucket. If the bucket isn't ventilated enough, the fan won't be able to pull in air efficiently enough across the surface of the gel. If there are a lot of holes already try increasing their diameter.

    Do you have the fan pulling air into the bucket or blowing air out of the bucket? Try alternating and see which one works better for you.

    Just keep in mind that at the end of the day if you ruin your bucket, it costs a few dollars to replace. The soil moist is reusable until the end of the world according to how mine is holding up! You already have a fan. The most expensive thing to replace is the O.N.A concentrate and that's not even $20. You have a lot of room to experiment and a lot of margin for error. Just do what I did and go nuts until your bucket is badass. I'll help you every step of the way, and I'm sure Rhapsody will too. =)

    EDIT: By the way you may want to try what Rhapsody did. He uses a humidifier with the O.N.A as well. I'm waiting for one to be on sale but I plan on trying it as well.
  8. I will start experimenting as soon as I get home and report back. Thanks dude. :)
  9. #129 Newbiegrowr, May 21, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2011
    No problem at all. I recommend trying one thing at a time and seeing if it makes things better or worse.

    I'll share one of my secrets with you guys. I get a renuzit cone and open it up, then I place it in my bucket. I don't allow the gel or water to get into it though. I don't know what will happen if it gets wet lol

    I get a specific one that claims to kill odors. They cost $1-$2 in stores. I usually stock up on them when they're on sale for 88¢ at Rite-Aid. They last about a month depending on the average humidity.

    [ame=""]Renuzit Adjustables Cone Air Freshener-Super Odor Killer[/ame]

  10. I think I've nailed it, a little overpowering but it sure does the job. Kudos for this, seriously. :)
  11. It'll die down a bit and be less overpowering. Update us again in another 24 hours or so if you get a chance.

  12. Thats a rip off. The postage on 5 of those is 25 bucks added. So 5 bucks a piece. I can buy a liter of ona for less.
  13. I don't recommend buying them online. I buy them at the store. They're usually dirt cheap =)

  14. I just did that today. Had them at Target for 89 cents each!!! Smells good to me. I placed them around the house.
  15. I usually keep one around the rooms I toke in. They come in handy for sure. Although it says it deodorizes, I'm pretty sure they just mask the odor lol
  16. #137 HypnoticElement, May 23, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 23, 2011
    I believe making your own gel from concentrate makes more sense as you can increase or decrease the intensity of it. Stick to the recommendations in this thread and you'll be happy.

    How much water do you add? I am most likely up for adding water tonight.

  17. Take a look at the soil moist and see how saturated it looks. If it looks like it could use some water pour some in. After a few weeks you'll get the hang or recognizing whether your bucket needs just water or more water/ona solution. The water evaporates faster than the O.N.A so try adding a bit of water whenever you think your bucket is losing some power. I noticed that just adding a bit of water puts a little life back into the remaining O.N.A in the soil moist.

    @Metamorphisis: If you really want that you can buy it. The instructions in my DIY lead you to making your own. And like Hypnotic said, you can increase the concentration to make yours stronger. The O.N.A gel comes pre-saturated. The problem you'll run into is that when that gel starts to dry you'll end up having to buy the concentrate anyways. The original purpose of the concentrate was to refresh the O.N.A gel bucket. We just make our own gel to save money. =)
  18. I was wondering how people were actually using these to mask their odors. I have an 8x4 tent in a 10 x 10 room. I have an 8 inch fan extracting the heat out of the tent. The house i live in is up for sale, and I have to let the realtor walk through with people, not in the room though. Would i place this outside my tent in the room by itself, or should i vent the fan through this??

    By the way it is for 8 plants, 4 ak and 4 mystery. They are 2 weeks into flower, but don't reek too much.
  19. Well I would certainly move that out of the house to somewhere else or scrap the grow. Unless of course your legit growing it. Thats a rather odd thing to have someone see and most people are not idiots. All she has to do when she leaves your house is dail 911 and then you get to get traded nightly for a pack of cigs and used by some rather large men.

    To answer your question..I keep it outside for my grow. Its in the same room though.

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