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DIY - ONA Odor Control Bucket (CHEAP & EASY!)

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by Newbiegrowr, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. Yea I wanted it out of the way as well. My grow room is a converted bathroom lol. I have the bathroom exhaust fan on 24/7 and no odor really escapes it since its kinda like negative pressure with the doors shut but the bathroom itself before the Odor Control Bucket was very distinctly smelling from plants. Now with that thing on no more plant odor. I love it.

    Even if I had to add water every couple days thats way easier and cheaper then buying other odor controls. Sprays are expensive, gels don't work so well in my opinion.
  2. Hi Newb! Thanks for a great DIY. I had a few questions if you have time.

    1. Sorry if I missed it but did you post up a smoke report on that first plant? If so, did you notice anything from the ONA?

    2. I noticed one person mentioned smelling "linen". Is that a general odor form ONA or did he/she use a kind of ONA that smells like linen?

    Thanks again for your time.

  3. Hi Durtee, I always have time for Grasscity! My herb smoked and smelled fine. The O.N.A had no effect on the herb that I could notice. I took a closer look with a very powerful microscope and I saw nothing abnormal. I've smoked most of the herb I harvested and I'm feeling fine too. No harm done to the herb from the O.N.A!

    O.N.A comes in other smells I believe but the hydro shop near my home only carries some scent called "arctic ???" (I forget the name lol).
  4. Gotcha. Thanks a ton Newb! Just wanted to make sure we weren't making a new strain called Downy Fresh.

  5. Hello. I dont want to sound silly but I need to understand something. Are you saying that by using this bucket system I will not need a carbon filter and exhaust? Or will I still need that for my grow tent and just sit this on the outside of it. I plan on using an ozone generator so will i still need those things?:wave:
  6. I don't use an ozone generator so I'm not sure about the requirements for setting one up in your grow room. All I can tell you is that this bucket will take care of the odor very well.

    You still may need an exhaust fan if your grow tent gets too warm or to deal with other problems you may run across. I don't have any type of exhaust fan for my setup but I'm currently running a few 150 watt HPS lights so the temperature isn't hard to control. One fan does the work.

    My current grow setup consists of two 150 watt HPS lights, my O.N.A bucket, a fan, 5 plants, and a grow box I made out of cardboard and mylar. Nothing fancy but it works very well. =)
  7. Quick question for you ONA Bucket often are you renewing it? Mine seems to loose effectiveness about every 3 days. I have the fan on low but eventually the smell goes away. Ill add more water and ONA then. Not a prob but I imagined it lasting about a week or so.
  8. Another good odor control is putting some ONA in your humidifier! As I was refiling my DIY Bucket I was reading the back of the ONA bottle and it has directions for that 50:1. So I gave it a whirl. I do not have a humidity problem with my plants so I moved my humidifier by my front door..I have a Hunter 24 hour model..heats water up to release moisture. Anyhow I added roughly 50:1 parts ONA fired her up and man works great.

    My grow tent is inside my bathroom so I keep the doors closed and exhaust fan on. So for the most part I don't smell anything including the ONA from the bucket. Well now I have total house coverage by throwing my humidifier with that added to it.
  9. I didn't know you could use the O.N.A with a humidifier but that sounds like a good idea if you have a good one.

    I add water every 3 or 4 days to my bucket. Usually I only need to add more O.N.A every 5-7 days. When your plants start to produce a stronger odor you will need to use more O.N.A of course.
  10. Yea thats about how often I have been having to add water. Guess a fan on 24/7 on it wisps way alot of moisture.
  11. Great post mate! +rep.. i love the simplicity of it.. thanks
  12. It sure does. I have an old gallon milk bottle I've been keeping filled with water ane a few tsps of ONA to refresh my bucket. I find myself pouring a little in the bucket here and there, mostly just because I enjoy watching the soil moist absorb it lol

    I'm trying to figure out a way to extend the life of the liquid in the bucket and I might be onto something. I'll keep you posted =)
  13. I'm glad you liked it and I hope it helps you out a lot. If you have any questions or problems just ask in this thread. There are a lot of helpful people posting in here and I try to answer as many of the questions on here as I can. Not to mention the tons of good tips people are giving to increase the effectiveness of your odor control plan.
  14. #114 HypnoticElement, May 19, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 19, 2011
    Ok, what kind of area does this cover? My carbon filter with 170CFM fan is not cutting it anymore and I only have 5 plants!!!!

    Also, I've read somewhere that putting this directly in the grow room is not recommended, is that correct?
    Do you have it on 24/7?
  15. Is this the soil moist you speak of?


  16. I keep min in the hallway near the room that my Grow Tent is in. I have zero issues.

    Yes that is the product there talking about. Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart carry it and different brands. I think the Walmart brand for that is MG brand.
  17. Thank you sir, I'm on the way to the store right now to get all this and get it going. I hope this works, I've been paranoid for the past two weeks as my entire basement and partial first floor reeks as fuck, I can't even concentrate at work I'm so worried. If this works, I'm getting rid of the damn carbon filter combo, probably will sell it on e-bay for dirt cheap just to get it out of my hair.
  18. Is your Carbon filter in the grow tent itself? Thats where it should be.
  19. It is and it sucks, I'm so not satisfied with it at all at this point. I don't have a tent, I grow in the boiler/AC room, which is enclosed with drywall and sliding wooden door with vent holes in it.
  20. Id keep the Carbon Filter, build you the DIY Ona bucket, get ONA Gel blocks then get a ozone filter..get it at Home Depot and or a HEPA air filter.

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