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DIY - ONA Odor Control Bucket (CHEAP & EASY!)

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by Newbiegrowr, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. A grow partner is growing hindhu skunk and super skunk clones, 3 of each. He's 6 weeks into flowering right now and he has a full sized O.N.A bucket. 5 gallon bucket, 1 pound soil moist, extra O.N.A.

    You can't smell the plants when you walk into the grow room. You have to get right next to them and shove your nose into the flower.

    My bucket took some time to optimize and so did his. Try some of the things we did to make our fans work better like drilling more holes, drilling bigger holes, adding more soil moist, using more O.N.A, yelling at your bucket because it nicked you and you ran out of bandaids.
  2. Having a fan that's too strong will evaporate the water in the bucket more quickly. Even if there is remaining O.N.A concentrate in the soil moist polymer it won't be active unless it has enough water.

    The Honeywell fan I recommended has a low setting that's ideal for a 5 gallon bucket. I'm working on adding a carbon filter to the bucket but I have't quite figured out how to do it without restricting too much air flow. Give me time and I'll figure it out. =)
  3. dont get me wrong, it works great. It would work better with the honeywell fan because its alot slower. I almost need to add water to my bucket daily. And the smell is still under control with only using a small amount of ona. If I had to I could always use more ona concentrate.

  4. I was having the same trouble with water even after I upgraded the size of my bucket and added more of the soil moist. It was lasting longer but I found I had to keep the fan on low. Even with the fan on low I add water every 3 days about.

    You were absolutely right when you said strong odors will still be detectable unless you add more O.N.A. I found myself using more during flowering. I always kept a premixed water bottle of the O.N.A solution so I could add it to my bucket in case it needed a quick boost.

    Now I have 5 plants so it'll be interesting to see how well the bucket holds out. I will update you guys once I know how it does.

    Always feel free to post criticism or problems you find. We can't improve what we're working out without good input. =)
  5. I am going to implement this tomorrow. My children are starting to get to that certain age heheh.

    I already have everything I need, now I just need to fasten it all together. I will report back on success of this endeavor. Everyone is saying good things, so Im a bit optimistic.
  6. It will work great. Trust me. Get used to the scent of that O.N.A in your grow room lol

    If you have any questions or problems just ask here or PM me. It's best to ask in the thread though. There are a lot of really nice and helpful people on these forums.
  7. Its still killing the smell of my one flowering girl. All I notice is a slight ona smell in the house when I walk in, nothing strong at all. You really do just have to dial it in the get the best out of it.
  8. I'm glad to hear it's working well for you. Mine is still going strong with no problems. Soon I'll have 5 plants flowering. That'll really put it to the test.
  9. Its actually really surprising how well it works with such little ona, My girl isnt a super heavy stinker though but she smells up a room quick if you take her out of her hidey hole for a flush.
  10. Hey man!

    so im about getting my setup all ready and hopefully germing my seeds today or tomorrow.

    next week though i will be getting some O.N.A to put in my ventilation system.
    im doing things a little differently and will post some pictures when its all set up.
  11. Stoppin by to say my DIY Ona bucket is working wonders. Cant believe how potent it is. Should have used less ONA! This has my reccomendations.
  12. Yeah I use less than a quarter cup to a gallon of tap water man. And even then it is a tad bit strong at first but it calms down fast. Its super nice just being able to replenish with water and some wonder juice. Soil moist is the shit!
  13. Yea i cant believe I contemplated spending 150 bucks for a carbon filter. I had a friend of mine use a carbon filter and it was only semi effective, and the filter he bought was huge, as tall as me and bigger around.

    This thing blows the crap out of that, is less than a 1/5 of the size, and currently burns my nostrils because i used a half cup of ONA to 3 cups of water. LOL wont do that NEXT time.
  14. holy shit dude.....I literally used half a pound(less than 2 cups soilmoist) quarter cup of ona, and that shit will easily soak up over a gallon of water. I cant fuckin imagine how strong half a cup of ona and 3 cups water smells:eek:
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  15. When I said, burns my nostrils, I can almost feel my hairs curling up a little when I inhale LOL. Overkill for just 3 plants, but better this then jail I say hehehe.
  16. Wow glad I found this post. I am a first time grower and have 4 plants vegging. I was concerned on odor control when they start. I will be making this set up this weekend to be ready! Thanks fellas. I love this site!
  17. lol that stuff can kick pretty hard. I'm glad that your bucket is working out great. Carbon filters are always nice items to have but this bucket is VERY effective. It's hard to believe how well it works until you get it working!
  18. You're going to be pleasantly surprised by how well this bucket works. If you have any questions just post them here. Lots of good helpful people on this site. Haven't met a bad one yet. =)
  19. Hey! Keep us updated on how well your bucket is doing! =P lol

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