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DIY - ONA Odor Control Bucket (CHEAP & EASY!)

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by Newbiegrowr, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. I built a couple minis of this using plastic 1/2 gallon jars .I drilled about 40 1/4 inch holes in the upper 2 inches of the jar then mounted a 2 inch computer fan in the lid blowing outward. I mixed 1 cup of ONA with 2 cups of water crystals and 4 cups of water.I hid it next to the front door under a small end table. It smells like fresh laundry when you walk in.Works great
  2. well before I set this up I could smell my plants in the next room with the doors closed. I tried the cvs gel and its ok, but it doesnt smell as good as ona but the ona with the soil moist works about ten times better. I just ducted my inline fan into the bucket and drilled enough holes to keep my temps where I wanted them and it doesnt seem to have any effect on the fans power.

    I used: 1/2 pound of terra-sorb soil mix or about 2 cups
    half cup of fresh linen ona liquid
    and i started with 9 cups of water but ended up using around 14 to get the full effect out of the terra-sorb but i think it could have soaked up more yet...

    this system is great and the guys at the hydro store fuckin loved the idea. Im sure I'll end up using more ona and water than the rest of you with the housefan attachment but this seems to be working really well with my fan. I'll update in a few weeks when the buds are actually buds and actually reek, I am confident now though. the cvs was a waste compared to this. Thank you so much for the help OP.
  3. I think I might make a few of the minis for my clone room lol the mycorrhizae stuff I use smells like... well... dirt and crap
  4. I'm glad I was able to help out. That bucket will work right through flowering. I even harvested and dried my herb with the bucket going. If your plants smell really strong just add some more O.N.A.

    I started keeping a gallon of the mixed O.N.A solution near the bucket. Whenever I thought it was weakening I would pour in a little. I noticed the O.N.A actually lasts longer than the water so try mixing in a cup or two of plain water and see if the O.N.A is still good.
  5. You didnt notice any taste on your crop did ya?
  6. I haven't gotten a chance to finish curing my harvest yet but the smell shows no signs of O.N.A. A good friend of mine who has been growing for years said he smells nothing but the plant. We've even put it under a microscope and didn't see anything odd.
  7. Im really not too worried about because I have awesome airflow. With the o.n.a and my plants it just smells like bubble gum and laundry, not strong at all and it doesnt even make my clothes smell like o.n.a so im happy with it for now thats for sure.
  8. Sweet Diy man!! just got my material and will be constructing one.How big is your grow area and do you keep it in the grow area or outside it?
  9. I'd keep it outside the grow area if thats possible....I try to keep it far enough away so that its not just circulating back into my intake also.
  10. Cool man thanks for the quick response. Keeping it outside my room is sweet(gives me more room for my ladies;) ) My grow is in the basement its a 3x3 area and the less crap i have in there the better. This stuff really masks the oder all through the house? its not going to smell like weed and flowers is it lol.
  11. It will smell like weed while the plant is flowering and pretty strong too. You will need odor control for sure. Trust me and anyone else who has ever grown or lived next to someone who has grown lol

    You will be happy with how well this bucket works.
  12. Cool man! im kinda lucky because my grow is right near my exhaust chimney for my house. Im going to put a exhaust fan that ties into my chimney and expels it out the top of my home.That and the addition with this bucket it should be smell free.if not i ll have to bite the bullet and get a carbon scrubber.
  13. #53 Newbiegrowr, Mar 27, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2011
    Well keep us posted on how well it's working for you. I tested it with 1 plant from flowering to harvest and it worked perfectly. I'm now flowering 4 plants and I'm most likely going to get a 5th clone so I'll let you guys know how well the bucket deals with 5 flowering plants.
  14. Very cool thanks! How big is your grow area?
  15. Originally my grow area was 5X10 but now it's expanded into the entire room mostly. The bucket takes care of the smell. The bigger the room the more soil moist you'll need in the bucket.
  16. OH YEAH!!! This thing is a beast!! im going to modify it even further and have my exhaust taking the pungent air and heat from my room, ( threw some duct work) and blow it threw the DIY bucket!Thanks for the post you not only saved me some coin now i have a extra fan to cool my ladies :hello:

  17. I blow my exhaust and odor through one, Works pretty good, If I had some really skunky shit it might not do the trick as well though.

  18. Ouch. well thats good to know then. ill just get the scrubber to then to avoid any doubt. But this bucket is awesome for what it is. + 1 rep
  19. It is nice.....idk could possibly work well for you. Did you go with the 6" high vel. grow bright? I think it just blows too damn hard to let the smell actually permeate the ona. I only use a quarter cup or less to a gallon of tap water and then I actually just replenish it with tap in between dosing with ona. The shit is strong, works well but if your going to grow bushes of stank then look into carbon. But ona would be like the icing on the cake man. I think it smells great and it actually does work.
  20. yeah i went big with the fan as i want to cool lights as well.When your wife asks you to make another one for up stairs you know it smells good lol! Yeah makes sence..ill go with the scrubber then as me like the stank!!
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