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DIY - ONA Odor Control Bucket (CHEAP & EASY!)

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by Newbiegrowr, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. Thanks for posting!  I found soil moist generic on ebay for $18.74 US dollars for 2 lbs.  Comes in medium, large and fine sizes.   What size would work best, I wondered?  Read through entire thread and couldn't find it,  but I did see references to surface area.  Seems like fine would offer the most surface area.  Right?

  2. Just put in my mini bucket today! It's using a peanut butter jar, I cut out the top and attached an 80 MM PC fan blowing inward. I put the bucket in my cabinet (see grow in my sig) right next to the outtake vent. I am just switching over to 12/12 tomorrow but so far it's easily covering the veg smell. It is even more diluted then was instructed, but I'm sure I'll have to bump it up in flower. Thank you so much for this thread, it is a lifesaver for scent control.
    PS: the first pic is from right when I was starting, I'm about a month in now

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  3. #383 Dro Smoe, Feb 4, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 4, 2014
    Sorry, didn't feel like reading through 20 pages but I'm curious...
    To any of you guys that flowered with the bucket in a tent (8x5x8 myself) - did the buds pick up the scent from the ona... smell, taste etc?
    If you put the bucket in the tent  and don't have a lot of airflow in there the flowers might pick up the scent of ONA, depending on a few factors including dilution, tent size, ONA (brand or generic equivalent? ), and flower size.
    I leave my bucket outside my tent. My tent is in my closet, and my bucket is right outside my tent.
    I have never had an issue with my bud tasting or smelling like ONA, but one person did report a scent on their flowers. I don't know if the scent was there after drying.
    Hope that helps.
  5. Nice little canister you got there, HalfAnimal! The Glade company will be gunning for you ;)
  6. Thanks for the reply! Yea I'll be using brand name ONA, and my tent is about 40 sq.ft or 320 cu. ft .. Plenty of air movement - about 550 cfm exhaust fan, and an oscillating in front of a passive intake. My issue isn't with indoor smell, but exhaust air. . My 17 lb carbon filter doesn't get rid of it all and I still get whiffs outside.. I was thinking of somehow (not done thinking yet lol) incorporating the bucket inline after my exhaust fan right before it leaves the house. Maybe I'll just stick the bucket outside the basement window (can't be seen) and just terminate the exhaust duct into the top of the bucket with a lid and a 6" starting collar, and just use my exhaust as the "fan" .. I'll just have to protect it from the weather of course.. Hmmmm!
  7. @ droe smoe: A few people have mentioned running the exhaust or part there-of through the bucket. If you pull it off post some updates please. I'm sure more than a few people would love to see your results bro
  8. Sounds good, not a problem brotha.. Thanks for the tips..
  9. is there other brands that do the same job as ONA. no-one here has it and I don't have a hydro store for 500ks only hardware stores
  10. i have odor control problems and use ona jel pots,,,,,that odor control you made as given me some great ideas thanks ,,,,,,mac
  11. Do you have access to amazon or eBay? It's relatively cheap on eBay

    All of my advice comes from years of farming and green housing experience.

    I'm a hacker, I'm a grower, I'm a stunt man. Live your life :)
  12. Thanx for the diy info bud! last grow was stinky didn't have anything to clean the air cause they were pricey and on a budget. .....this was a sweet idea...and here's my ona water bead bucket

    the Chivon

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  13. yeah I got ebay I was just trying to keep it as a last resort ,was hoping I could get something local has anyone heard of niloder if so does it do the same job thanks
  14. Are soil moist granules the same thing as soil moist polymer? All I can find are the granules...
  15. Pretty much Yeah, those are the water beads they use for floral arrangements and what's in my bucket.... ..all they are there for is to keep the ona/water mix from evaporating quicker so any form they come in works fine

    the Chivon
  16. Thank you for the response. That helps a great deal.
  17. I might need this considering my location of grow thanks Brotha!

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  18. Subbed for future use. Thank you
  19. Nice How-to Newb!
  20. I gave this a go, and it's very effective. BUT it only lasted about ten days then had to fill it with the mix again. May build a carbon scrubber next.

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