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DIY - ONA Odor Control Bucket (CHEAP & EASY!)

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by Newbiegrowr, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. @Beach Guy 626: I don't know if O.N.A can be heated. I know it can be used in humidifiers so you may want to look into that. Personally I wouldn't use a heating pad.

    @Nenar: The idea is to get the odor in contact with the surface of the gel in the bucket by circulating air through the bucket so I would suspect your idea would work great, but you may want to use more water in the bucket because it will dry faster. Let me know how it works out for you. GreatKitsune offered some good tips you should be sure to look over too.

    @Gcleveland: I'm glad it worked out well for you bro. Keep us posted on it if you get the chance. Please let us know any tips or tricks you might pick up from using it and safe growing! =)

  2. #322 GrassyHobbit, Apr 17, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 17, 2013
    [​IMG]Loving the design it's cheap and simple which is great for me. My only question that I'm going to try out is instead of the fan pushing air to the ONA can I reverse the fan and kill smell by pulling air out of the ONA. So I can double task my fan to cool my plants and hood.
    Any major objections?:rolleyes:

    I see others have thought this ill try it out and tell you if I have good results
  3. I've tried both having it pull air in and push air out. I usually find myself having it pull the air in. Post some results for us so we can learn from your trials. It's always appreciated.

    We're all after the same goal here: Odor elimination! Unless it's in a finely cured piece of medicine, of course ;)
  4. Brand new member here, first post. I've been combing over hundreds of posts here on GC and none of them have made me feel fully comfortable about attempting to grow in my apartment (in a 2 family house) until I read your DIY. Fear of dank ass odor during flowering, harvest, and drying phases are what have been stopping me. Alas, I have gotten older and my last green-connection has dried up for good. I am finally going to make the jump to self sufficiency and your DIY is what made me decide to go for it!

    I'm still about a month away from starting my grow (want all my ducks in line before hand), but I registered today b/c I wanted you to know that your DIY and all the posters here commenting on it have made me comfortable with this. Thanks you and I will def post my bucket once I have built it.

  5. Awsome to hear man! Hope to see ya post a grow journal, good community here to help you along the way and learn as you go :). I have learned more in grow journals than in the whole rest of gc :). Check out a couple and read, takes a long time to catch up on some but there is some some solid golden info in there.
  6. A grow journal will most certainly commence once I have my setup and germinated seeds. It seems that nothing could be as helpful as people watching your progress and commenting feedback on the grows. This bucket is one of the first things to get made (hopefully this coming weekend). Will test it's ability to kill the odor from the last of my stinky stash ;)

    See you on the forums. Keep an eye out for my first grow-box & grow attempt in about a month or so.
  7. I use the ona bucket. Hell I use a mini one and it completely hides the smells that I have from growing. Lots of people been in the same room with my grow and never figured out that I was growing.

    Feel free when you get your journal Rollin to post a link in my journal. I have a lot of traffic and some really good active people who can help you... Will also remind me to check your journal :)
  8. I appreciate the kind words, man. Even more so I'm glad that we were able to help you solve some of your growing concerns!

    When I first saw this bucket on another thread I thought it was the greatest odor control idea ever. It was simple, inexepnsive, and most important of all it was effective. I think both you and I had the same reaction and started growing after seeing the bucket!

    Please post a link to your grow journal so we can watch it. If you ever have any questions just let us know; I know the first grow is hard but the second can be even more daunting, believe it or not. Fortunately you can count on a whole lot of support from the people on this site. They have helped me bang out a few good grows and now I'm doing them on my own.
  9. My journal is in my sig :) I am in my second grow. The first one didn't end well because of some bad genetics but they really taught me a lot. My second grow has been problem free and is a freaking jungle lol
  10. Great idea but for the same price ud have a small carbon filter.
  11. As long as the odor is under control it's all good
  12. Well yesbut no.
    Carbon filter get rid of the smell but ona covers it and gives off a very strong smell to cover it which is nice but not ideal if your grow is in your bedroom where you sleep.
  13. Listen, I'm not going to argue with you about which is better. In fact I don't care which is better. My odor problem is taken care of completely. That's all that matters to me. Here is my DIY. Like it? Try it. Don't? Try one of the many other valid and completely effective methods of odor control.

    All that matters is odor control. Any way you can get it done if you need it done.

    I would recommend that you start a conversation thread in the proper portion of the forums and debate it there. There are many people like yourself with strong opinions and I'm sure you will have no trouble starting a very popular thread.

    Thank you for your input.
  14. I am currently only using the ona bucket entering the fourth week of bloom and everything is fine. I got the fresh linen so it smells awesome especially with some incense going too :).

    I have a carbon filter but haven't installed it yet. Is really heavy and my injured back isn't looking forward to the task. I still plan on using the ona bucket after the carbon filter is on to cover any escaping smells.

    I personally am not happy with a single prong approach to security so I try to have backups. I have a second ona bucket ready to be used if there is a problem with my first one. Also I made my 2 buckets for $25 please direct me to the carbon filter that is that price.
  15. It's always smart to have extra odor control =)
  16. I started my grow journal today (as promised). Still in the planning phase as I want some solid community feedback before dropping any benjamins and clearing out closets ;).

    Here's the link: My First Grow Ever

    Thanks again, guys!
  17. Here's my ONA bucket. I went with a 5 gal Home Depot orange (stealthy, no? [sarcasm]). A little tip for anyone who is building one of these, when you think you've drilled enough holes, drill 25 more. Your fan will thank you ;)

  18. You can't ever have enough holes!
  19. Thanks for posting the pic! I would put some more tape around the lip, where the fan meets the bucket. But I'm sorta OCD like that.

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