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DIY - ONA Odor Control Bucket (CHEAP & EASY!)

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by Newbiegrowr, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. Oh, your having ambient problems. This could possibly be a patch at night time for you. I just do little things to increase heat efficiently at night.
  2. Yeah, it's a balancing act here in Michigan during the winter months. If I raised my thermostat in the house to 75 instead of 65, I might be able to keep the exhaust fan running 24 hours, but then my gas/heat bill would stink.

    I won't have this issue once it warms up this spring, or Medical use is legalized in Florida ;)
  3. I am in Indiana so I understand the balancing act. Been playing it the past couple weeks. Though we have some really nice weather right now. Next week it is back to balancing.

  4. Having a bucket in the grow room will help a lot. Keep in mind that this bucket attempts to actually eliminate the odor as opposed to just masking it, so the more contact it has the better.

    With that said let me just add that I have never seen or heard of this item used for so many plants. (but I hope to get there one day soon!)

    You will most likely end up needing more than one bucket but one is a good start. If your basement isn't so large you might be able to get away with just 1 bucket.

    Positioning of the bucket can be important as well. Is there a single opening/vent where the odor or air in your basement might try to escape through? I would recommend placing the bucket in a place where you know the air flow in the room is carrying the odor. Basically help the bucket help you.

    Post with how this works out for you. One day we won't have to hide our plants and deal with odor... one day we'll be able to grow and smoke in peace! Until then... =)
  5. I would appreciate an update for sure man, and so would a lot of other people.

    Good or bad, let us know! We can all learn a lot from one another.

  6. Newbie will do bro. I found a small fan on sale at a local hardware store n already had a bucket with lid in the garage, also got a 4.5 quart pack of water beads at wally world for 3 bones. Now just waiting on the ona concentrate to show up n we be in business. Once its all set up ill post how its working. Thinking of putting it on a timer so its not constantly running n maybe it will stretch out the most from the concentrate.
  7. #307 Newbiegrowr, Jan 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2013
    A timer is a great idea. I think I might set mine up on a timer as well and see how it goes.

    Something I noticed is that sometimes adding a little plain water helps boost the smell. The water seems to evaporate faster than the concentrate, so adding water helps get it loose from the dried or drying-out crystals. Hope that helps!
  8. I was thinking of making a special vent cover, in the vent cover I would put the ona mix in it and the air coming out of the grow room acts as the fan to disperse the ona around the room. Will post pics when I am done. If you already have an exhaust fan why not use the extra air flow to further hide scents.
  9. Yay my ona was sitting on the porch lastnight when I got home but didn't put it together till a few min ago ( watched the movie Ted lastnight) right now I have the fan pulling the smell out of the bucket to see how that works and if its not strong enough I will flip it so its blowing air onto the ona soaked beads. My house is a split level so I might even have to build another one!!! We will see. It's been maybe 6-7 minutes running and I'm starting to smell the ona so that's a good sign :)
  10. I alternate but currently I have it sucking air into the bucket
  11. Well I have flipped the fan to blow into the bucket and it seems to be doing better than when it was sucking air out of the bucket
  12. I love my mini ONA bucket but think that I am going to upgrade to a 3 gallon bucket and 8" fan as soon as I can get a decent fan this coming spring and summer when I can actually find them at stores lol.

  13. I have this item and it does not work. I had a pail of ONA with the Breeze right over it. I had one autoflower, Green-O-Matic from Greenhouse Seeds

    Very small autoflowering plant. I didnt think it would stink so much. With the Breeze on the highest setting the dank odor still seeped out the closet, the grow room and into the hallway of my apartment.
  14. Making your own is the way to go ;)
  15. I am thinking of making a full size bucket now that my mini has proven it's self and I still have a ton of ona gel just sitting around. I have also been checking out the ONA air freshener to suppliment around the house. Still working out the logistics of making a vent cover to push the ona through.
  16. Instead of a fan has anyone tried using just a small container of ona and cyrstals sitting it on top of a heating pad?
  17. I think the heating pad might help and possibly evaporate some of the ona mixture and it would be a slower release into the air so it would last longer, but the forced air is like having a heater that is forced fan it gets it out there farther and faster. Ambient heaters are like what you are talking about they heat well but the further you are from it the less effective it would be. I say to for it and test it and report back your results :)
  18. Hello guys, new here, first grow (closet).. so heres my question.. Diy ona bucket, but instead of using a seperate fan(on top of the bucket i mean), what if i place the tube that i vent the air out of my closet on top of the bucket ? Anyone tryid it? Havent made the bucket yet, so just wodering

  19. Don't see why it wouldn't work. Would have to have the exhaust come down, and then make a lid that you can connect to your side exhaust vent.
  20. Kudos Newbie !!! This is the shit !! I've been growing for quite a while and have never found a DIY that works as good for the cost. I'm using an old detergent bucket, not quite 5 gallons, with a 8" fan. I just cannot get over how well this works. I'm blooming 8 ladies at a time and it has no problem cleaning the air at all. I even use it when drying and unless you get right up on the plants all ya smell is "fresh linen". Portable,effecient, and inexpensive. WOW !!

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