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DIY - ONA Odor Control Bucket (CHEAP & EASY!)

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by Newbiegrowr, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. #221 MysticSnow, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I'm not sure I would keep this enclosed with a plant. They breathe too. Just think of what it could do to you if in a closed you space...not good
  2. Is this the correct ona?
    [ame=] ONA Liquid Concentrate 1 Quart: Patio, Lawn & Garden[/ame]
  3. I built one and it really smelled good the first day, the second day I couldn't smell it and the mj smell came back kinda strong. I know this is a good project cause it worked good the first day. You think it might need to make it stronger. 5 cups water, quarter cup ona, half cup soil moist?
  4. I have a grow box (3' X 2' x 2') in my closet. Stealth is a pretty big factor here. My plan is to have an ona bucket outside the box but still in the closet. Has anyone tried ducting their exhaust into the bucket? i was thinking of using 4 inch flexible duct into the side of the bucket, with the fan aimed out of the bucket to maintain the negative pressure inside the box. thoughts?
  5. Do it and report back. :)
  6. Yeah Kilbride, I am interested in this too. I am starting a grow op in a cupboard, and want to have something similar. Please try it!
  7. Alright, will do.
  8. I just did my first ONA bucket.

    Instead of tape, I used flower wire to strap the fan to the lid. I got it under the A/C intake to freshen the whole house.

    Tonight it goes in the greenhouse. I just don't know if I should hang it or put it on the ground. I also think I should close the windows to the greenhouse at night, and open them during the day and using the ONA bucket then.

    Any thoughts?
  9. ill be trying this on my first grow. i have a make shift carbon filter built but i have very little confidence in it. will report back from the field when i have any thing to report.
  10. thx for the diy, i still have to read through the whole thread, but has anyone tried/developed/built a small ona system for a PC grow?
  11. Just finished my bucket tonight. It kicks serious ass! I wish I would have found this years ago. Highly recommended!! Much respect to the op.

  13. I made my own Ona Power Bucket and it works like a frickin' charm.Thanks for the info!:D
  14. hopefully makin one this weekend. gotta try to hunt down some ona concentrate locally before buyin it online. come on hydro shops! don't let me down!
  15. Question. If one were to lose power would this system still work without the fan running? I would have to keep the enclosure closed for days with the power out and temps would certainly drop as well. Just wondering what the options here would be. Eliminating the smell completely outside a 3x1.5x4' grow box would be mandatory.
  16. Sorry for bumping an old thread, just wondering if there is any subsitute for soil moist as I can't find it on the uk ebay, it has to be shipped all the way from the US. Would perlite be able to act in the same was as soil moist?

    Thanks a bunch!
  17. i was told to buy expanding water crystals. did it for me. soil moist is probably a specific brand name for what is most likely the market leader in america

    pm me if you have any problems and ill dig out the packaging and get you the exact name of the brand i bought from ebay.

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