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DIY - ONA Odor Control Bucket (CHEAP & EASY!)

Discussion in 'Do It Yourself' started by Newbiegrowr, Jan 9, 2011.

  1. Thats a myth. ONA and odor controlling substances do not work that way. If you read on how something like Febreeze or Ona work is the molecules are doughnut shaped. Basically as they disperse in the air they fit over odor causing molecules and trap them. The combined molecule tends to be heavier then air and floats to the ground. For some reason the human nose can not smell a doughnut shaped molecule. The molecule is there but is masked. That is the basic premise how all products that say odor killing or neutralizing work.

    I have a ONA gel block in my tent and DIY bucket outside of it and my product does not smell or taste of anything other then sweet mj.
  2. I may have put together this DIY but Rhapsody is better at this! Thanks for the info rhap. Everyone appreciates the info!
  3. can i use this instead on ona gel

    Attached Files:

  4. Maybe never heard of it. I am sure others have though on here. Stuff other then ONA works its just ONA is very powerfull and comes in many useful forms..blocks, gels, liquid. Makes it easier to achieve what your trying to do.

    I use ONA but actually use the Renzuit Super Odor Control cones you can buy at Target, Walmart etc. I find those are good to. I spread those around the house. I save the ONA for my bucket and a container of Soil Moist with ONA in it in my grow tent itself.

  5. No your better! I just have a lot of free time on my hands lol. I am a full time student.
  6. If that works stick with it but that is a gel. You will not need the soil moist if you use that. Is it cheap? You'll have to decide if it's effective enough to replace the O.N.A concentrate.
  7. Wow great reply. Thanks so much. Since I am doing a micro pc grow the ona bucket is not that stealthy.

    Does anyone know a way to do it stealthily? I was thinks I can put it near the exhaust of my pc box.

  8. Just shrink it. You can get a smaller container, smaller fan. Just go to Home Depot or Lowes look for smaller components.
  9. Has anyone put ONA inside the grow box?
  10. Has anyone put ONA inside the box?

  11. Yup got a big quart jar inside my tent. Works great. If your next question is going to be does it effect anything no. ONA nor any odor control chemical does not impact grows.
  12. Cool. Do you use ONA outside of the tent too?

  13. That I do. Do not skimp on the odor control especially if you live in a apartment/condo. All it takes is one call and the jig is up.

    Its part of the cost of doing business and I would rather go overboard on it..its not that expensive and better then one day someone calling and I get to live with bubba being a love slave traded nightly for some cigs. Im to young for prison!
  14. I was thinking... I have never read anything about how much carbon is needed in a as it pertains to the size of the space.

    For instance too much carbon and too big of a filter can dampen the exhaust. I plan to build one for my pc and am trying to plan it out.
  15. This is kl and all but you can just buy the ona automatic dispenser and a can that lasts months for the same price... Except it has night and day options as well as intervals. Not hating or anything as I do like it.

    One thing could be adapted to make it really effective in flower. See I had this idea where you take a spent carbon filter, empty and refill with ona... Stick it on the end of exhaust air... But you could make it like your bucket with no need to find an old filter!

  16. i have a mountin-air filter. they give you filter/fan size based on your square footage of grow space. most filter co's provide that info. at their web-sites. what do you mean by "dampen your exhaust?"
  17. 'Dampen Exhaust' I just meant that it would cut down and restrict some of the airflow

  18. that's what i thought, just wanted to be sure....
  19. I was using a ona bucket. I saw this at the hardware store and hooked it to my new tent.

    [ame=] Dundas jafine TDIDVK Indoor Dryer vent Kit Round Bucket w/ 5' Aluminum Ducting: Everything Else[/ame]
    works great.

    I just took a small fan and duct taped inside 4-6" duct converter and it keeps it ventilated inside and smell free outside

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