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Decked-out homemade POM piece, needs a name.

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by sharkie13, Jun 23, 2010.

  1. #1 sharkie13, Jun 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 23, 2010

    See the above picture. Fellow needs a name! Can't say I didn't make this thread for the purpose of showing off though :)

    Made from:
    - A pom bottle
    - A bic pen that I curved with the help of a bit of lighter heat, then used a thumbtack to poke holes into the end to make a diffuser
    - Some sort of random bottle that held some kind of tea oil hand lotion or something, idk (ashcatcher)
    - The body of some sort of pen with a $100 bill design on it (blingage?) that I melted into the ashcatcher so that it'd stay put. This makes for the female slide piece.
    - Staples mini gel pen with some plastic trimmed off the top. Male slider piece.
    - 3/8th" socket as the bowl, literally "snaps" into place in the gelpen making a perfect slider bowl.
    - Electrical tape to seal the holes.
    - Chewed up paperclips (so a flat bundle of metal) as filters. I always get so stoned that I lose these and have to keep making more XD

    So yeah, this guy really gets the job done, and so far I have yet to burn any plastic so good stuff!
  2. The "heart healthy hard hitter"!!! how about "the over priced health drink tokin machine"!!!
  3. Points for effort, lol.

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