This is one 1 of 4 custom slides from 4 different blowers on Etsy I'm having done to look like a Fro tini slide with eyes along the rim I saw on another trading site that escaped my attention. I had to have it!!The first 3 pics are the custom, and the last one is the original Fro piece. I chose a green, yellow silver swirl, but is it just me or did this color scheme not turn out right?! I asked for bloodshot details on the eyes, and I think that looks sick for a unique detail. I'll post the other 3 on this thread as get the completion pics. I've decided to change the colors for the last 3. Red, black and silver...blueish-gray, black and white--orange, black and silver. I'd like to hear some thoughts about the colors of the first one as I am not sure. Hopefully the other 3 turn out better looking. Share your thoughts and comments if you like. Thanks
Yes, 4 different blowers. They should all look quite different from one another. Thanks for the comment
Here is #2. Let me get some thoughts and comparisons to first, and to the original piece used as a model. I just don't know if I'm feeling this crown.... Don't be shy, jump in please. I need some opinions before I decide to have it shipped
they look pretty sick to me, id be happy with the two you posted. although you did say you wanted silver and thats more of a blue..still sick. and of course the colors arnt gonna be exact, its not like the artist you got to do your custom has the exact same glass rods that fro has.
So you made 4 custom orders but you're not going to buy them all? How is that gonna sit with the artists?
Why are you assuming this? I already paid for 2 and will pay for the other 2 when asked. Hell this one was asked for 75 bones in advance. Someone had pointed out what the problem is with #2. The tops were not melted down and smoothed into the slide. It just looks like little balls painted on. It will need to be melted, smoothed down and repainted or re-done entirely, even if I have pay for it. The color and lines are sweet, but the crown I'm not feelin.. Thanks to those who gave me their thoughts. Its nice, but this one is off..
I like the colors on the second one, but the actual craftsmanship of the first one is better. Which 2 etsy blowers are these/?
Yea the colors and design hit the mark nicely, but its the crown I am NOT feeling. I really hope the points can melted down/smoothed over into the slide, decreasing the gaps and the eyes repainted. If not, then this has to be re-done. The picture of the side, clearly looks like little balls fused on top and that looks like crap for 75 bones Glass4est blew #1 and even though at first I wasn't thrilled about the colors. This is BY FAR the most sickest slide done!!!!! Glass4est wining this by a mile so far Soulshine FamilyGlass did #2 PS I do NOT have these in my hand yet...#1 comes late this week or early next week, plus there are still 2 more to showcase when the pics are posted for me to see Keep it coming and thanks for looking and adding some thoughts to this. Keep checking to see what the other 2 will look like when done
I see. Read the bold part.....that's why I asked what I asked. I wasn't sure if I misunderstood you. That's why I didn't state it as fact. Anyways, they look pretty similar, but you should've asked for more colors in your schemes imo.
OK I read ya, but if it doesn't look right I wanted to say something BEFORE it got packed up and shipped off. And I understand where your coming from, the artist, 2 of them yet to be shown were not sure when they BOTH got the same request if I was serious or not, or making them blow pieces and only paying for the best one. Sorry not my style! I will pay for them all. Not sure if SSFG will tweak/fix what's off for the customer or if they are going to make me eat it and I have to pay again to have it done right The last two will be unique, as two blowers one trained by another face off to make this piece and we will see how their styles rub off doing it...Stay tuned!!
Yeah also curious whos doing the other slides. Hermit's chaos stuff is pretty awesome, posted a super heady 14mm slide recently, take a look
MattDglass and CambriaGlass, from what I was told on a glass trading forum one apprenticed for another
I think the second one looks much better than the first. the eyes look like they sit the same on both bowls but the first one has more (and looks cluttered imo)
LOL ppl, those who like the black and red one. Well I told SSFG, if they open to this, to go ahead and sell that piece in his shop in exchange for a discounted rate to re-do it. So if you want to grab this, and he goes for the deal. Be waiting for it to be listed there
#2 is going to be re-done...I suspect the piece will be listed in the shop soon for those who are interested in snagging it. Will post the re-done piece when pics are shot
Well here we go and this is EXACTLY what I wanted. This one is bad ass IMO and worth the fuss of getting redone SSFG is awsome to get custom work like this done. Enjoy and share some 2 still to come
Yeah that one's my favorite so far. A lot better re-done, and the inside of the bowl looks tight with the lines connecting all the eyes.