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Coconut bong

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Bkinboston, Sep 14, 2012.

  1. Made it the other day still have to work on it.

    Attached Files:

  2. That's pretty nice! I see the slide is a carrot. I like the natural look - had you considered using sugarcane where that plastic hose is?
  3. :smoke: thats sexy lol
  4. thats pretty sick man

  5. Yes, yes, 1000 times yes. Ima do this now. Fuck where can you buy coconuts in Texas?

  6. Try HEB
  7. Would the bongwater be coconut milk
  8. No you take the coconut milky inside out , so your only using the shell of the coconut.
  9. NICE. Can't help but smile seeing that lol
  10. image-903772246.jpg

    This is the end product
  11. That's called a chalice, or chalwa. Its a common method of smoking ganja in Jamaica :smoke:

  12. Props for doing something different! Hows it hit?
  13. Good just like a regular bong just your holding a coconut in your hand.
  14. Nice, i may try to make one soon with an old vape whip lol

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