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CO2 extraction with a whip cream dispenser ?

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by asker, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. i have a idea/question.......
    and i want to ask, whats your think about it........

    is it possible to use an whipe cream dispenser for the extraction with CO2 (maybe N2O)? the dispenser, fill in the plant material, close the dispenser, connect a CO2 (maybe more than one ?), wait and let the CO2-extract flow out........through a filter.......

    could that work ? its the CO2 in the despenser fluid or gassy?

    could that be a little bit expansive, becous of the amount of CO2, that is needed ?

    i dont have a dispenser, so i dont can try..
  2. Under pressure, it's going to be a liquid. Not under pressure, it's a gas.
  3. yes.......
    and is the co2 in the dispenser under pressure or not ?
  4. Yes
  5. than thats could work ?

    plant material in the dispenser (maybe in an teabag).
    add co2 (is it possible to add more that one co2 capsule to an dispenser ?) .
    and let the co2/cannabinoid mixture in a bowl......
  6. CO2 has to be at ideal conditions to yield good product. This requires a very expensive machine
  7. This isnt going to work. No way. First, the nitrous oxide they use to pressurize whip cream cans isn't under enough pressure and second there isn't enough of it to do anything if it would even work. Which it won't. Don't try this, just don't....
  8. This. You're not going to achieve the high pressures required to elute cannabinoids using a whipped cream can.
  9. A whipped cream maker would not hold the kind of pressure you need to make oil. Best case a safey valve pops. Worst case Kaboom! Flying shards of metal.

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