I just finished my website, and I'm pretty excited about it! So if you enjoy a well made wooden pipe, fit for a connoisseur, then take a look! Between Leaf & Lungs - Smoking Pipes Here is a little teaser, this is the box that one of my pipes comes in..
pipes look gorgeous, the wood makes it look sexy, lol. price means i wont have one ever lol bills exist sadly.
nice pipes but you got to do something about the load screen for the website took almost 2 minutes to load and my internet is pretty good best of luck doh Joker
Excellent job on that site. Id also like to add that ive never seen that cool of a pipe..i mean it has a fuckin' lid!
Great job on the site, great job on the pipes they look beautiful. The price is pretty steep, it looks deserved however. If you made a single piece of wood into a Gandalf style pipe I would be much more interested though... Maybe made of gaboon, and with a bowl made of African Blackwood? So I guess it would be two pieces of wood. Just food for thought.
Very nice work man, website took about 30 seconds to load for me....I wish i could own one at some point but sadly far out of my price range, totally understandable though its clear a lot of work went into these.
Thats a really nice websites and pipes, I really love the design of them, reminds of LOTR haha. Keep up the good work!
Wow! Really nice pi- HOLY SHIT $350?!??!??!?!?!? They're nice - really nice. But not for $350. I would pay $50 and that's being generous. It's only wood.
60$ would be less than my material costs. Do you expect me to spend 20+ hours of labour on this, for free, and then lose money when i sell it? That is absurd. At the price I am asking, I make minimum wage. If you are used to seeing 5-15$ wooden pipes in local headshops, then yea, at $350 price point may seem crazy. But my pipes are a completely different animal. A little example. You wouldn't expect someone passionate about cars/driving, to own a Ford Tempo. And for someone who only sees a car as something to get you from point A to point B, you wouldn't expect them to understand the difference between that Ford Tempo, and a $100K+ luxury sports car, for them that price for a car would seem insane. Yet, people still buy those sports cars, because they see in those cars more than mere transportation, it is an experience, an experience that is driven by the quality of the car. Simply, If you don't understand why my pipes are priced the way they are, then you are not my target audience. Not trying to be rude, just trying to add some perspective here...