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Candle wax as an adhesive?

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by GSN1PA360, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Would this be a good idea to make a diy piece? I figure it's better than tape but similar to hot glue so it's easy to use, what do you guys think?
  2. I'd imagine the heat would melt it quite easily.
  3. I do not see it working out well in the long run, all depends on where you would be putting it on the piece though...?

  4. put down all sharp objects, the pot, and go seek medical care...your brain has shut down and died...

    you want to know if using candle wax to make a pot smoking device is a good idea..ya skippy....your brain done kicked the bucket...

    hope you can get a new one soon...:wave:

  5. I thought it would only melt if it was under direct flame

  6. I was thinking about putting some like say around the down stem where it goes into the bottom of the bong itself to make it airtight, but now that I think about it that would probably be the only sensible reason to use it to make a piece
  7. i have seen a pic of the band slightly stoopid with a bong with candle wax down the front and i thought at first they did what you are talking about doing and then i just figured they were using a candle to smoke
  8. ive tried it o.p but had little luck... but it all depend's on the candle you use ive heard those one's from the store that have like sainta maria on em work but i havent tried just what i have read
  9. I have like a cube of plain candle wax with no flavors, scents, etc. in them and that's what I was planning on using guess I should just like do it like a science experiment and see if it melts when used on a bong

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