I'm in the midwest and I haven't been able to find any glass shops that do repairs, and I was hoping one of you guys would know of any. I've seen some places on california that do repairs, but I don't want to ship it that far unless I absolutely have to. And yes I know it might be over 100$ to fix and I'm willing to pay whatever it costs since this piece has sentimental value.
its a long...... shot but maybe talk to an auto windscreen repair shop they have some serious epoxies
Negative ghost rider. Been doing windshield repair and replacement for a long time, been proposed to do other things, not all glass is same glass haha what we use on windshield repair is nothing like repairing hard glass. Windshields are quite the strange make up
Look around online for your closest small time glass blower, if it's a solid break no reason it can't be heated and fused back together, my friend went through a similar situation on the base of his dab rig. Sent it back to the guy, he melted the base smooth and fused another base on, could hardly tell because his clever ass used a bit of dark colour in the glass, matched the rest of the piece.
Called some glass blowing workshops I found online, a couple turned out to be art galleries, one said they won't do glass repairs, and the rest said they only offer classes. I found a place called batch of glass in cali, they have some pretty awesome examples of their repair jobs on their website, I'm probably gonna send it over there asap.