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Best idea ever

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by skablazemaster, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. So I made these last night when I got bored

    They're tree Percs that screw onto each other and are air sealed when they're together
    So you can have a 1 perc bong or a 40 perc bong whatever your in the mood for

    I plan on making more peaces like ice catchers, milking chambers, and of corse the base piece with the down stem

    I just took the cap off the bottle, cut a hole in the bottom and hot glued the cap there, and added the straws for the perc

    More pics soon, give me some feedback!

    Attached Files:

  2. It's plastic man. Do the same thing with glass and I'll be interested

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