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Best homemade piece?

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by 317, May 19, 2011.

  1. I was curious as to what are some of the best hitting homemade (bong specifically, but any others are welcome too) tools you tokers have made? I've only dealt with the gatorade bottle, pen, and socket setup but are there any specific setups you guys would recommend?

    -a broke stoner
  2. besides pen and socket... You can make a slider piece if you have a 2 piece highlighter and a pen shaft... just glue the pen inside one of the highlighter things. Heres a pic. The other one that is not a highlighter is a makeshift pipe i made. Stem is pen shaft, then i took a hollow old earbud and squeezed it on it. The bowl is a nut, and then i got the screen from the inside of a aerator in plumbing section

    Attached Files:

  3. Gravity bong. 2 liter soda bottle. Put a socket or some kind of bowl through the cap. Cut the bottom off and stick it in a bucket of water. Best way to smoke for less.
  4. Yeah but when im goin to the woods to smoke i cant really bring a big bucket to the woods
  5. Plastic cup and a water bottle work too. Saves so much weed.

    also, the slower you pull up on it the more you'll get.

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