Are you your thoughts?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by esseff, Feb 1, 2021.

  1. #1 esseff, Feb 1, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2021
    Are you your thoughts?

    Are you the thinker or do you see that you think?

    If you see that you think, you are not your thoughts. YOU are the observer of them.


    The real you does not think.

    When you notice that you can see your thoughts, you stop identifying with them. You stop having to act on them. Eventually that makes them go quiet.

    Intentionally practice noticing your thoughts without getting caught up in what you see.

    Try sitting in a public place and observe what goes on without thinking.

    Who are you?
  2. [​IMG]
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. I'm your worst nightmare dude and I love your rant so fucking much. Just kidding on the nightmare part.:.
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  4. Let's just assume you are not your thoughts. You have thoughts, memories of having had experiences (also thoughts) but they are not actually you, they just seem like you. That’s the ego constructed ‘you’. Taught as soon as you can accept it. Reinforced and solidified through indoctrination in school.

    But this is not you it just appears to be you. It is what you know as you. It ensures you fit in and conform. Know your place. For the most part.

    But by knowing that you are not your thoughts you step back from them, stop making them seem so real by focusing on them as if they are, and a stillness or emptiness arises.

    Know yourself from within this emptiness. Beyond ego. Conscious and aware. This is who you are.

    Live as that.
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  5. #5 GreeneCaps, Feb 14, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2021
    The way in which your question is framed, I think that it already implicitly contains the answer to your question.

    Are you your thoughts?” — The word “your,” technically speaking, is a second-person possessive adjective, which references the relationship between a possessor & possession(s); the former being a person, & the latter being the object(s) that’s denoted by the noun term which follows & is modified by the aforementioned possessive adjective, namely, “thoughts.” So, understanding this, your thoughts can’t be said to be equivalent with yourself, no more than a possession or possessions can be said to be equivalent with their possessor; in other words, your thoughts aren’t yourself, but they’re your possessions.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. @GreeneCaps i agree. The Self is the Witness to thoughts as the sky is to clouds they arise based mostly on the past, then new ones chime in to imagine something in the future...
    We Are, therefore we think... Not the other way around.
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  7. you are the pure witness, the consious non-local observer that brings your physical being into existance!!!!

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    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Destcartes didn’t quite delve deep enough into it, equated the mind with the soul! you would’nt even know you were thinking if you didn’t consiously observe your thoughts!

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. And all thoughts are past even it is a nanosecond from "now", based on the past unless you happen to be in sync with the universe when certain ideas are released due to the cosmic plan... they are released for the world at the same time yet not everyone is tuned in, usually it is the inventor or scientist types who have been searching for answers, deeply researching so their minds are ripe soil for these new seeds.

    What is the mind but a collection of thoughts and imagery of the future based on those? OK, it may be like a computer database and there is global pandemic aka addiction to "mind surfing". How many of us can stop thinking and still the mind at will for even a full 60 seconds? There are those on the planet with mind still quiet minds, thoughts are rare occurrences but they are in harmony with all that is so no need to calculate and scheme to survive or function. That is the normal natural state imo. Not the hurry hurry ding ding we have been taught that is needed to succeed...
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  10. I AM Awareness
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  11. #11 Perpetual Burn, Apr 21, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2021
    You're not your thoughts, but not not your thoughts either.

    This is not any thing... much(more) like everything... which is no-thing (in particular... yet contains all [notions of] particulars.)

    "The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao."

    "If you want to make an apple pie from scratch you must first create the entire Universe."
    ~ Carl Sagan
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