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anybody ever whittle a pipe?

Discussion in 'DIY and Homemade' started by Heroic Dose, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. I've been thinking a lot about doing this lately. first off, i've never whittled anything in my life. but im thinking if i get the right size piece of wood i could more or less whittle it down to the shape of a pipe, and use a drill bit to open up the carb/stem.

    the only thing is i havent quite figured out how to carve out the inner part of the chamber. i also have no idea how to finish it so the wood wont just burn up when im smoking. i imagine ill have to coat it in something like wooden pipes must have, no clue what though.

    any suggestions?
  2. Could be really interesting, I actually know a buddy who used to make wooden pipes that were really cool lookin, he didn't whittle them but he used power tools instead, still pretty cool. As far as the burning and such goes, I would suggest for starters using a hardwood, not only do they look better but they probably will fit your needs a lot better...make her look real nice by using tons of sanding, and look into carnauba wax, that might do the trick for burning...but it is a wooden pipe, and most wooden pipes in the stores I have seen have metal bowls on the inside, so i wouldn't spend months on a single pipe as, especially your first, will probably end up getting burned up quick.

    Good luck though! I am interested to see a final product
  3. hmm, maybe a metal bowl liner could be put in after its carved to shape. probably the best bet.
  4. That is what my buddy did, I'll take a picture tomorrow after class of the pipe he made me and post it, I'll try and hit him up and see if he has any other tips, seeing as you are in wisconsin too I'm sure finding similar resources would not be hard to do:p
  5. sweet, that would be most excellent.
  6. i've whittled a carrot into a pipe haha but it would be cool to do it to wood also....
  7. So my camera is super shitty but hopefully you get the point

    One thing I should mention is I don't use this pipe ever, its more of a cool lookin thinking, and it doesn't have a carb so that is why I don't ever use it, when you make yours you should either add a carb, or make it bigger than this one because this one you would have to clean after a small bowl every time.

    Also there used to be a plastic mouth piece on there that isn't anymore, don't know where it is but if I find it I'll post a picture of it for you.

    If I were to guess, my buddy just bought the metal bowl, drilled a hole to fit then carved around it. I know for the majority of it my buddy used a wooden lathe (small one at that), and then carved to perfection.

    Attached Files:

  8. The woods they use for pipes they choose or reasons one of which being it doesn't burn up. The harder the wood the less likely it is to burn over time. Plenty of spots online you can buy a chunk of wood suitable for making a good pipe. Carb on a wooden pipe? lol not sure what you you mean by chamber either.

  9. Out of pure curiousity why would a carb be bad?
  10. not that it would be bad; just I have never seen such a thing and I'm not sure what purpose it would serve
  11. Have you ever hit a wooden pipe without a carb? Maybe it's just the one I had (posted above) but the drag is absolutely terrible, so hard to get small amounts of smoke out of there (then again I used tobacco not weed in it just to try it out)
  12. yes of course, like I said never even seen a wooden pipe with a carb on it. I always keep at least one wooden pipe that I smoke out of regularly. Only problem I ever have with em is every once and a while I do something stupid and break the stem in some way.
  13. by chamber i had meant the inner part of the bowl where the smoke would build. basically, im thinking i want it to be like a standard glass pipe, just made of wood. i believe i came up with a solution by simply carving a chamber larger then the metal liner would be deep, so once its placed in theres still that open space under it.

    thanks for the pics btw stown, thats what gave me the idea. now to go on a material hunt.
  14. whats the point of a wooden pipe with a metal bowl though?

  15. If you look at the pipe I posted, it is actually from my buddy who is from Jordan, where they smoke dokha (which is a harsh tobacco). The pipe is called a medwakh, traditionally they place the metal bowls in the pipes to keep the pipes longer as the dokha doesn't burn very easily like bud

    As for making a wooden pipe with a metal bowl..why not? You completely crafted it by hand, and if you take a ton of time on it you'll want to keep it from burning up easily..

    and alex I def think going with a huge chamber is a good thing, thats the downfall to the one I have right now is that the chamber isn't big enough to get a worth while rip out of it, and also clogs so easily

  16. in my case its just a fun little project, with a reward that could possibly be useful. The pipe would honestly sit around unused most of the time. Maybe if I was a grower id smoke the first of my harvest from it, or use it in some similar ritualistic way
  17. Back when I was in high school I helped a girl make a pipe in woodshop. It was pretty rough looking but she later sold it for 20 bucks. I'd like to put some time in to one sometimes and try to make something nice

  18. yup thats the plan. i think im going to limit myself to only doing it right after i smoke bowls, so i only get a little bit done at a time and make it nice.
  19. Have you gotten any designs drawn up or something cool? I decided sometime in the summer it would be a cool project to work on with my roommate and whatever when we are bored just start carving into a piece of wood and see where the bud takes us:p

    But ya have you gone with wood or anything yet?

    My buddy and I after a long stoned conversation came up with maple being a pretty good wood to try out first, cheapish and hardwood plus looks pretty beautiful when finished.
  20. nah no designs or anything, i was also going to carve as it came after smoking. still no wood either lol.

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