Woke up this morning and figured I'd get my creative fix going with some new material to smoke from, since payday's Friday and man's been sober for 2 weeks I soaked some string in rubbing alcohol, wrapped it around the bottom of the bottle, lit it on fire, then dropped it in a sink full of cold water. If you aren't familiar with what purpose this serves, it's to cut the bottle without shattering it I was clueless as to what I could use as a bowl piece, so I scavenged my house for some inspiration. I was intrigued by an old glass chess set I hadn't used in years, so I used the bottle method with one of the queen pieces. The shit didn't fit, so like anyone else, I went to grab my socket set. Luckily I found a socket that slipped right into the glass with a one time, snug fit Since I was using an absolut bottle with orange text, it was only fair that I hooked it up with my provincial championship soccer trophy (my last year of soccer. I spent 7 years at this club. Very sentimental) since my team was known for its orange colour. This is my first project other than a basic gb I made a while ago that took 15 minutes of my time, but served no purpose since I never used it. This one took me about 2 hours, but that includes all the planning and trial and errors I went through. Thought it turned out pretty sweet so I dropped a thread here. Hope you enjoy