5 toking tools i feel are necessary (or fun to have) to every stoner culture. 1. Bong - You know when youre sitting in a circle of 5, 10 people? That is when you need a bong. The only downfall is some idiot getting real high and breaking it, but i'd make the fucker pay. Anyways, blazing with tons of people just isnt the same with a spoon or a joint. Unless, its a joint thats a foot long. Then, go ahead and skip the bong. 2. Bowl - For those times everyone is sleeping and youre puffing out your window. Conveinent and easy to hide. But, still formal enough to fit the occasion. I dont know about you, but i like glass. 3. Sneak-A-Toke - You obviously arent going to roll up to school with a piece on you. Let alone, go to a family outing with a chace of getting caught by your crazy mom. So, you purchase a piece conviently invented for being disguised. Ive got one that looks like a tube of lipstick. Go to school everyday with that thing in my bra. 4. Joint - Camping, driving while toking, or just too high to light a bowl without burning the shit out of your thumb, nevertheless, sometimes you just feel like smoking a j. You all can relate to that one, right? 4. The Classic Homemade Piece - Remember when you were 14? You were just a newbie and all you money went towards the great herb. All you wanted was a piece but everytime you got $20, that dub was in your lungs. Well, sometimes youve always gotta go back and kick it old school. You know, back when you jacked your dads sockets and used a gatorade bottle. You were even too cheap to buy screens. Thats where all the tin foil went.
yea... just papers and dutches..i got a couple of pipes..but i have to smoke outside so i stick with joints and blunts..joints when alone..blunts when in company..vanilla or grape dutch cigarillos...or those green game two packs..i hope to get a vape eventhough im hearing mixed reviews. and im sure to have some really exquisite glass soon which i have yet to own in all my years of smoking
Give me a well made stand up bub and some cold water and I'm a happy man. Everything else is just extras to me
I fully agree with you 100% you just spoke my mind. 1. Bong - Who can resist using a nice bong? This is what my friends and i use while we are at each others houses. Prices get a little high so these stay at home. 2. Bowl - When your out and about bowls are a must, they fit in pockets, glove boxes, most anywhere. They are also nice if you are by yourself for some reason i always go for the bowl over the bong when i'm alone. 3. Sneak-A-Toke - I brought one to college because i was sketched out by livng in doorms with people who might not be into it, other than that i hardly use it but its good to have. 4. Joint - If you don't want to get caught with paraphernalia then joints are prime, smoke them and there gone. Also they are very fun to roll when you are real baked or if you just want a j from time to time which who doesn't? 5. The Classic Homemade Piece - I still have my first home made piece, it was a maple syrup tap with a screw in bowl my dad acidentally left in the bathroom. Now however my friends and i still make home made pieces just to have fun and be creative, some of them even hit better than my Pure bong! Alot of my friends are all about bubblers but i have about 10 pieces and not a single bub, i'm not very fond of them. I would rather have a bowl and a bong and that combo is alot more versitile than a bub.
Nice, I feel bongs are best with about 3-4 people max. If its a assload of people like 6+ atleast, which never happens around here it would almost always be a fat blunt, just alot more chill to smoke a blunt between so many people than to have to pass and repack a bong. Joints when its 2 people or so. Use my pipe when its just me or sometimes a joint. Down here shits expensive no matter what you get so I dont really like smokin blunts anymore and its been so long i dont even like the taste of the blunt, much rather a joint but even then it feels more wasteful so i usually use my pipe.
you sound like the coolest chick. i agree about all 5. and you must have been high while writing that cuz you did two number 4's and no 5
VAPORIZER! gotta love them If i had to choose one of my current pieces as the only thing i can use ever again it would be my vaporbothers. Don't get me wrong I love the occasional L
blunts and bongs are all i do im not that big on joints because they roll faster, but if i dont have very much green and dont feel like smoking a bong bowl a joint is always nice
Yeah, I was pretty high! Now that I look back, there are several errors. But, fuck it. I've got one life to live on this fucked up planet that has been blessed with The Herb. I'm going to toke myself away. Are you in?
1. If I had a bong it would be my daily driver piece, hopefully in about a month or so I'll have one. My brother and I are gonna split the cost of a decent tube...ice catch and a diffused downstem are my main requirements. Anytime I'm at someone's house who has one we always break it out and get it going around the circle as well as a pipe. 2. Bubbler! The first piece I bought was a double bubbler and I love it. I don't use it as often as my pipe because I can't keep it out in the open so I have to empty and refill it everytime I use it which becomes quite the hassle. Otherwise though it's my second favorite to a bong. 3. Pipe. Just a good anytime piece for quick use. I usually only use it when I'm alone. Have only brought it to a circle once and we only smoked one bowl out of it. I just like the quickness I can use it with...pull it out, load it real quick, get 3 or 4 hits out of it and put it back away. 4. Vaporizer. I've only used a vape once and I'm not really sure how high it got me because that was the most I ever smoked in one night. We had the vape hose going around the circle, a bong, and a pipe. Plus we had eaten brownies about 30 minutes prior. 5. Joint...again only smoked one of these. I only started smoking a few months back and since I have some decent glass I don't see the point of rolling one up. If a friend has one and wants to smoke it together I'm down, I just don't make my own.
Good post +rep. 1. Joint papers- just because they are convenient as hell, easy traveling and you cannot get charge for parifinilia. Although they do take longer to get prepared and "waste" bud joints are good for both smoking alone and smoking with a group of people. Who doesn't like sitting in a circle with abunch of your friends, have some interesting conversation and pass a joint? 2. Bongs- I love smoking the glassware. Especially if it's a nice piece of glass with added on accesories. Bongs do conserve a lot of bud, as well as get everybody pretty stoned. 3. Bowls- bowls are really easy to hide. They are also really good for the person who can't make a smelly and long toke
I totally agree also. I roll joints when I'm on the move, or just don't want to carry glass, the glass pipe is used often by myself and with my girlfriend, and bongs are great for chillin' with friends taking huge rips. Out of all my pieces, I'd have to say my favorite and most used is my Vapor Brothers. I've owned it for about a year and have probably vaped 5-6 ounces out of it.
You just read my mind man. Bongs are good with a group of 2-4 experienced tokers New smokers I can't trust with bongs because they don't know the bong rules
The Original post said you had something disguised as a tube of lipstick.. where can I get one of them?
yeah ever hear of a blunt with a soggy end caused by ****** lipping? fuck you. wait, what are the bong rules? 1. dont drop it. 2. clear your hits.... 3? tell me.
go to google and type in hidden lipstick pipe. you should find it. yeah, i remember it was on the second one. the url should say grasscity.com peace+toke.
I don't know if this is the standard that everyone goes by but this is what my friends and i do: 1. DON'T drop it 2. If you can't clear it you can finish it after blowing out your first hit but don't hold that thing forever and try your best to clear it 3. Pass with the lighter at the same time unless everyone has their own 4. don't blow out 5 always place the slide back into the bong i don't car if you're about to die just do it those are most of mine.