47 days of blooming

Discussion in 'Bud Shots' started by Clearsky, Dec 29, 2020.

  1. A few weeks left mexican haze

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  2. 20190922_085342.jpg I would think you have about a week left not a few.
  3. Plants only been blooming for 47 days mexican haze takes 9to 11 weeks to mature, I'm 2 days from 7 weeks.
  4. IDK, those trichs still look pretty clear to me. At least from what I can see in that pic...

    Maybe that timeline to maturity is based off of mostly amber trichs? 9 weeks may very well be about right? depending on your preference of high, narcotic or energetic?

    BTW...That's a great chart @Dscdk
  5. Took these pictures 3 days ago

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  6. Yea, those are certainly starting to milk up.

    I'd say you should start checking them daily and use that chart to judge for yourself where you want to be with your end result.

    I'm not sure why those genetics are giving you mixed signals as far as timing goes, but if it were me, I'd chop based on trich color more than relying on what harvest times the breeder is saying they do their chop.

    There could be a lot of different variables at play with the way they are growing and the way you are growing, but it all goes back to letting the plants tell you what to do, not the other way around.

    Trichome color is natures way of giving you the choice of when your ready to harvest, based on what kind of high your after in the finished product.

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