I have two packs of these papers, both king size. They are transparent, 100% cellulose. I love them and I hate them. J's look so nice when they're rolled, like the J of the future. But the one problem with them is also the biggest problem you can have -- they don't stay lit. Unless I powersmoke it, I have to re-light it every time I want to take a hit. Now I don't know if it's the papers, or maybe i'm just rolling shitty J's (I confess i'm a terrible J roller), but i'd like to hear others' opinions on these papers. Is there some way to get it to stay lit? http://www.grasscity.co.uk/img/products/1back_transparent_paper_ks.jpghttp://www.grasscity.co.uk/img/products/1back_transparent_ks_2.jpg
when i use the cellulose papers i have a harder time rolling, and they won't stay lit well for me either. and i'm pretty good at rolling j's by now, i've been doing it for ten years. they look amazing but for actually smoking i prefer normal papers by far.
They look cool and all but once you get even a tiny bit of moisture on your fingers, the paper will stick to them and crumble up.
All but one brand i've used burned terribly (i forget the brand, but it was a peaceful looking pack and was king size, i know this doesn't help one bit but w/e) The one that did burn well would stay lit and straight, all others would just go out alot. They are neat, burn smokeless and slower than paper but I prefer paper over the transparents in the end.