Ladies, This CBD Lube May be the Answer to All Your Woes!

Ladies, have you ever experienced pain and anxiety during sexy times? If you’re like 75 percent of women, then you have experienced this at some point in your life, for one reason or another. This might be because of a medical condition, such as Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or ovarian cysts, or it might also be because you experienced a traumatic event, such as a sexual assault. Unfortunately, this can make the even the mere thought of sex a major turn off. Luckily, this CBD lube from Privy Peach might be the answer to all (or at least some) of your sexual woes.

Wait, There's CBD Lube Now?

Yep. This Saturday, Privy Peach is making its debut appearance at the Indo Expo in Denver (which you should definitely attend if you’re going to be in the area). Founder Kim Koehler said in an interview that she created her CBD lube to help as well as empower women, after she discovered how much CBD helped her with her own sexual problems.

Instead of trying physical therapy as her doctor suggested, Koehler decided to try cannabis. “Everyone was telling me how much cannabis and CBD had changed their lives,” she said. Kim had tried THC in the past, only to find that it worsened her anxiety towards sex, rather than helping it. CBD is of course, the non psychoactive cannabinoid present in cannabis. It is not only known for reducing anxiety, but completely mitigating the negative effects that come from THC. To put it in layman’s terms, the CBD lube will most definitely not get you high, so even people who are wary of using cannabis products should feel comfortable using it.

How Does it Work?

So, how does this CBD lube work? Well, it works like any other lube does, but with the added benefits of cannabis, so it naturally reduces inflammation, a great benefit to women who suffer from painful conditions like Pelvic Inflammatory Disease. Privy Peach is made from a base of coconut oil, which by itself already makes a great lube by preventing irritation to the sensitive areas. Koehler promises that she tests all of her products before selling them, and she has heard nothing but positive results. Don’t worry guys, she’s got something for you too. Be sure to check out her Dude Balm, which helps with “erectile enhancement.” No, I don’t think that means it makes your dick bigger.

Source: Westword

Image Source: Ravishly

Will you try Privy Peach’s CBD lube? Tell us in the comments!